Jan 14, 2005 13:19
I am watching my cute little baby well it isn't my baby but i watch him every week so i love him and he feels like my little baby brother. I love him a lot he is so cute. But i CAN NOT wait for tomorrow the concert is going to be awesome. I was going to bring 4 friends but one was like well i can go but i said we didn't have enough room so she said she won't go. So i thought i had it all planned out. Then a different friends mom called wanting to know the details and her mom didn't feel very good about having her 7th grader walking around downtown so her mom said that she couldn't go. So now i am down to 2 people. Then i was talking to Jazz because she said she could go so i was telling her a little more in detail about things. I thought i told her it cost money but i guess i didn't and she thought it was free so she was like well i can't go if it cost money. So there goes another friend who was planning on coming but now not. Then my last friend she told me today that she can't come but told me last night that she could come. but i guess she didn't clean her room and her mom said she now can't go. So the number of friends for me is 0. But it isn't their fault and i am not angry at them at all it just means now that i need to go to a different concert with them that is closer. It is ALL GOOD :) but yeah it will still be fun. but if there are any 2 people who would like to come with me and Jaime i think you guys can just talk to me