(no subject)

Jul 11, 2010 14:41

 + I, uh, may or may not have revamped all my icons. Again. (Note: the one icon that has remained constant since more or less the beginning is Susan-being-kickass. The icon might change, but it's the one type of icon I think I've always had. SUSAN.)

+ it's not my fault! it's just, there was Jo, and I LOVE Jo, and plus it was a wanderlust icon! and things just kept spiraling completely out of control from there. (also WANDERLUST. I have it so badly.)

+ People have been wonderfully awesome today! flist, carry on being awesome! <333

+ One thing that was not particularly awesome - in the lesson at Sunday school today, the teacher spent a good five-ten minutes talking about how it's your fault (and only yours) if you're upset, or sad. Which - okay, I think I'm a mindset where I can actually talk intelligently about this for a moment. I'd say some of the moods I get into are completely my fault, because I let myself fall into them. But some of them are not, in any way, my fault. Saying I'm bipolar sounds like a cop-out, and heaven knows I almost always feel guilty when I get to hide in my room because of it, especially because I haven't been officially diagnosed. But when I can go from joyful and happy to snappish and pissed and hopeless in less than a minute, without any outside influence, there's definitely something wrong. And yes, some of my moods I can control. But some of them I can't, and that's not my fault, and I am so tired of my dad and the people at church espousing the view that depression/any mental disease is something that can be fixed just by being saved. It's hard for me to listen to, and I can only imagine how difficult it must be for people with problems more serious than mine.

+ Huh! I still feel happy. This is good.

+ You guys, the "gotcha" moment from the Doctor Who finale is now guaranteed to make me start crying. Actual tears! OH SEASON FIVE, how so AWESOME?

+ I have writing mojo back! Interestingly enough, not for fanfic at all (oops! uh. I will get those things I need to write done! I will! Just not today. Or this week.). In fact, it is all for original fic, Harborverse and then I've got some 2K of character outlining and scene bits for something to put in the WIP folder and come back to later. Or possibly I'll just write today, whatever I want to, because I have inspiration and I have been missing this so much, so MUCH. The joy of writing is a beautiful thing, and I really needed that yesterday, and I love the feeling and the joy of visualizing things and writing them down and I just love it so so much. <3333 I'm off to write now!

ETA: I almost forgot! I wanted to link you to all to this fantastic anti-rape ad - apparently it is being run in Scotland? It is really well-done.

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comments there.

bipolar stuff, original fic, supernatural, fandom, real life, narnia, writing, wanderlust, doctor who

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