(no subject)

May 24, 2010 11:55

GUYS GUYS GUYS kaydeefalls has posted a new Doctor Who fanvid and because she is ABSURDLY GOOD it is WONDERFUL.

So What Do I Do With This, an Amy-centric fanvid set to "Stray Italian Greyhound" by Vienna Teng. The song choice and lyrics is spot-on, the vidding is beautifully done, it's just perfect, okay? (I am especially amused by the juxtaposition of the Doctor with the lyrics "so what do I do with this / this stray Italian greyhound" because it fits so well.) BUT: those of you on the American schedule, this vid does contain clips and very minor spoilers from 5x07 "Amy's Choice", so you might want to wait a week and watch it then. I don't thinkt it really spoils anything for the episode that can be understood without watching the episoe, but still, be careful.

I've been self-medicating with it and other fannish things all morning. Sam and Katherine were gone this morning when my mom woke up, but so were their bikes and they've headed out on walks without telling anyone, so she wasn't worried at first, just angry that they were still doing this after she'd told them to stop. It eventually turned out that they had gone to some neighbors who have animals and are apparently STILL THERE, without telling any of us, three and a half hours later. So I am pissed at them, and only now starting to un-panic.

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real life, fandom, recs, doctor who

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