isurrendered is having it's first
Free-For-All! and when I say free for all I mean free for all. enjoy!
+ I have been sick for six days and I'm feeling ready to commit murder over it. We have no idea what it is, but we've all got it and it just keeps lingering and it closes up my ears so I can't hear and my throat is kind of raw from coughing so much and my head is constantly aching and I have no energy. I think part of the reason I've still got it so badly is because well, HI, I'm an idiot who always puts school above personal health. I went to school and choir Tuesday (11 hours in a row gone), and then school Thursday as well, though I ended up skipping English and coming home early. Not because I wasn't feeling good (I wasn't), but because I was starting to cough again and I was worried I'd get people sick. and now I can't pop my ears. AGH.
+ Almost done laying out Season 1 of Cabin Fever. Oh Dr. Eddie! Oh Fred! Oh everyone! Note: if an episode is titled in Latin, it's a pretty important one. Although, because I am STEALTHY (haha yeah right) some important ones are in English anyways.