it's... it's almost 2010

Dec 31, 2009 23:24

huhhh. that's weird.

let's see, summing up the year/decade. it was awesome? I met almost all of you guys this year? I dunno! I suck at summarizing.

ALTHOUGH. omg Criminal Minds you guys I am so happy I found this show! it is chock full of lovely comraderie and intelligence and smart smart people working to stop bad guys and fantastic portrayal of women and victims and the bad guys, who are not always bad guys so much as people-who-totally-cracked-and-really-need-help. have I mentioned how very, very hot I find competence? which everyone on this show has in spades? YEAH. and Reid is adorable and nerdy and fabulous, and Garcia is freaking hilarious and so awesome, and Prentiss omggg and Hotch! and Rossi! and Morgan! and JJ! ... yeah, I'm devolving into incoherence. it's just, I have not found a show I want to/have been rewatch(ing) this much since Avatar, and you guys know how well that show was characterized and how much sheer awesome there was in it.

if we're being serious, probably the most important thing that's happened in 2009 was meeting all of my new online friends, who have really helped me screw my head on at least straight enough that this year, I think I have a chance of working out some of my issues. I've managed to drum it into myself that I have the ability to remove myself from a situation that I know is going to go south, and that this isn't something I've made up (... still working on that one, actually, because every time I talk about it I feel guilty for dumping my crap on everyone else). And I've dealt as far as I can with the fact that my dad's not going to acknowledge his own problem and get it fixed, and I'm actually getting better at this whole regulating myself thing. not fabulous, but better. the icon on this post and my default one ("I am out of my goddamn fool mind and I am going to own this shit.") have basically been my mindsets this year. I'm kind of hoping to expand that this year to like, have a good time or something. :P

which leads to my one New Year's goal: learn to manage my time better. and yeah! that's about it for a new year.

still. I'm staying up till twelve, just so I can hi to the new year, and make it promise to be wonderful.

real life, criminal minds, fandom

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