(no subject)

Dec 11, 2009 09:10

(so, I think I'm mostly back! Finals next week, some A.P. Gov left, nothing in Latin but my final exam, and I'm done! OMG YAY.)

okay, so. remember the three-sentence ficathon that everyone at your f-list has probably been talking about. yeah.

this is a story in which grim_lupine and I make our best efforts to expose the entire fiction world of characters to Edmund Pevensie, because everyone should Edmund. ("NEEDS MORE EDMUND." "What does?" "EVERYONE.")

It begins when I filled the prompt Narnia/His Dark Materials - Edmund/Lyra - all the worlds there ever were. At some point I also wrote Narnia/Doctor Who, the tenth doctor and Edmund, "what a clever boy!" After which I requested cracky crossovers for Edmund, writing three more yesterday night, some in which I blatantly ignore timelines and pretend that Edmund has magical time travel powers - Narnia/Good Omens, Aziraphale & Crowley & Edmund, author's choice - Narnia/Supernatural, Edmund and Sam, exasperated younger brothers - & Narnia/Star Trek, Edmund/Young Jim, They're just two kids who don't have a clue what they're doing.

And now there's a flood of cracky Edmund crossover prompts, some filled and some not. heeeee! you guys should all come join in the fun. EDMUND MUST MEET EVERYONE.

Harry Potter/Narnia, Edmund/Ginny, rainy streets of London

Narnia/Pirates of the Caribbean, Edmund and Jack, "You're much more interesting than Caspian."

Narnia/Merlin, Edmund and Merlin, hidden depths

Narnia, Edmund, Edmund as a vampire

The Dark Is Rising/Chronicles of Narnia, Edmund & Will, travelers in a strange land

Narnia/Un Lun Dun, Edmund/Deeba, travelers

Narnia/Master&Commander, Edmund and Jack (and Stephen if you can work him in), the boy knows ships

Other things I've written this ficathon.

Merlin, Arthur & Uther & Morgana, the ties that bind

Harry Potter/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Ginny/Oz, summer air

BSG, Helo, here at the end of all things

Alice in Wonderland, Alice, years from now

Doctor Who, Jack/Rose, her name is on the list of the dead

Anastasia, Anya/Dimitri, honour among thieves

pirates of the caribbean, btvs, merlin, supernatural, anastasia, fandom, the dark is rising, harry potter, good omens, narnia, bsg, alice in wonderland, doctor who

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