You guys, I'm kind of shallow when it comes to my TV watching. I want pretty people, characters that aren't radically OOC, awesome fights, and I'm willing to ignore a lot if I get the things I want.
+ Merlin: pretty boys being fabulous? check. pretty girls being fabulous? not enough, get on that show. plot? looks fine to me! so yeah, there's that. I'm honestly fine with the ending, and Uther looking for treasure is too hysterical. I want M0AR MORGANA, naturally, but I'm liking the Arthur/Gwen. Does this mean we'll get Merlin/Morgana some? Please? (Colin Morgan's cheekbones could cut glass I mean Colin Morgana's acting has gotten even better. I warned you I was shallow, okay?) and that fight with Cedric? the slapping crawling under the bed one? ROFL. I will never get over Arthur's look of slightly amused 'what is this madness?'
+ Supernatural: pretty boys being awesome? check. pretty girls being fabulous? OMG CHECK JO AND ELLEN WERE BACK AAAAAAAAH YES. YES YES YES. Jo was figuring things out! Ellen slapped Dean! Ellen was like 'FINE JO YOU CAN HUNT BUT I AM COMING WITH YOU D:'. I bet Jo's getting one heck of a lot better at this hunting thing now that she's got her mom along! War was interesting enough - I wonder how they're going to do the other four horsemen - if they just drop them now I'll be annoyed. D: and man, the only reason I'm not going 'WAR SHOULD BE A
RED-HEADED WOMAN, GUYS' is because I'm tired of pretty women being manhandled and killed on this show.
+ Glee: you guys, I love Kurt and Mercedes, and I really want Tina, but I have yet to see the second episode. I'm going to end up going by recaps by TWoP for parts of this show, I think. I'd forgotten how much I cringe when watching people get humiliated. Mine is a sensitive soul! Fighting and chopping up of things I'm hunky-dory with, but high school humiliation is a huge squick of mine. I loved the first episode so much I forgot, but the second episode made me remember, and now I feel slightly queasy of going into an episode unprepared, despite everything I love about this show, which really says something about my sheer level of cringing. (ALSO. I just figured out that Will's wife is Meredith, Claire's bio-mom from Heroes! man, I love that actress SO MUCH.)
+ Heroes: Um. YOU GUYS. I'm actually looking forward to Season 4 now! Sylar's being creepy in Matt's head! It's fabulous, even though the public humiliation squick makes it incredibly difficult for me to watch some of those parts (agh agh agh). Nathan-who's-actually-Sylar is starting to figure something's distinctly wrong (and here's the one part that I'm just not getting - Peter presumably thinks that that is actually his brother. He was fine with him end of Season 3. sooo, why isn't he answering his calls when Nathan sounds, quite frankly, a little desperate? Peter? Anyone? Yeah.), which I think is cool. Sylar has regeneration, which has been shown counteracts things done to the brain (and also explains why they couldn't just bring in the Haitian). I'm actually liking Tracy. Mr. Bennett is making me grin with glee. Claire's storyline isn't making me want to toss her out multiple windows. AND PETER. Peterrr! You guys, the knife fight made me want to dance up and down in glee. Knife fighting! At accelerated speed, with slow-mo tossed in and intense burning looks and Peter being kind of badass. Also in the realm of Peter - trying to make up for all the wrong the Heroes and Company have done! awwwwwww. Yay, we're back to Peter being a true hero, though it's nice to see that a little bit of the idealism has rubbed off and been replaced with a bit of a sharp edge. He's gained some sarcasm, apparently. So yeah! I think there's a good chance Season 4 will at least be fun to watch.
And now, to finish writing similes for homework and go to English class! (... huh. 20 minutes. I might have left this a bit late.)