Oh, and isn't it lovely.

Sep 02, 2008 11:04

I shall now proceed to spam my LJ up with lovely links!

cleolinda & limyaael = amazingness... yes? of course yes. antishurtugal is an amazing community. Radio Rivendell, y'know, rocks.

Wikipedia has a list of unusual deaths. Rather amusing, really. This place is rather weird, and makes about zero sense... huh.

Guess what? I'm reading Antigone right now. She was one heckuva girl- the original wild child, but not necessarily all that -smart- about it.

BookMooch deserves its own entry, because if I had any books I ever, y'know, actually even considered letting out of my hands, that's where'd they go.

Gosh I love Terry Pratchett. Funniest man alive, and it's hideous about his Alzheimer's. That's got to be one of the worst diseases on earth a writer can get. Anyways, he's the one who wrote Good Omens with Neil Gaiman, which you should go buy right now, kthnxpls.

No, really. Why aren't you buying it yet?

And that's all for now. More later maybe? And maybe even *gaspshockawe* me writing/talking about things instead of just leaving links.

radio rivendell, terry pratchett, cleolinda, wikipedia, neil gaiman, antigone, discworld, good omens, tags, limyaael, alzheimers, bookmooch, antishurtugal

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