instructions for return
an erasure of
the poker game,
awakenings, and
coping. pg?
original fic by
gallifreycalls, erasure by
be_themoon he believes he believes
"I believe."
too cold
too hot
"I can turn lead into gold."
time can stand still
The first time he
spends hours staring
"what went wrong"
the first words on his lips
even before conversation is broken
He asks and
He asks
"see for yourself."
smiles at her
Kingdoms rise and fall
there are never the same faces
The only constancies stories
of births, deaths, wars,
differ only in the names
falling asleep
lingering on
he asks
there is work to do
he feels
a catch in his breath
something wrong
the air numb
just another fact
stares, murmurs
feels tongue and lips
as if unknown.
as if When he catches up
he gives in.
he remembers.
turned to catch
the tips of fingers
They entwined.
Life was simpler.
protection, loyalty, destiny;
He is tracing circles,
circles in now
if he could find the strength to break
he mourns the loss of hope
starts to list instructions
for returns.
1. No more dying.