Jun 24, 2009 21:36

Guys I have been productive. I cleaned out the fridge - not the thorough scrub everything, but I rearranged everything so that there was actually, y'know, room. I did the dishes, which just falls under normal stuff. I made blueberry muffins for when Sam and Kat got back from baseball practice (about a minute ago). I finished my portfolio for evaluations this Friday. And I did all this in about an hour. BOO YAH.

Things still left to do: call the hair salon tomorrow morning and see if I can change the appointment to 3:30, not 4:30. Bike up to the bank and get some money out so I can pay for my hair-cut, which I am feeling a little queasy about. It's just so long, and it has never been this long before, and also? At least $20 bucks, and I do not have a steady job. Queasy. Iron out Owen's character. See if Celia's up to cooperating again. Figure out what Sebastian thinks he is up to, no you don't young man!

In honor of productivity, I shall spam you!

Spotted at least twice on my f-list: Katie McGrath picspam. Why so pretty, pretty lady?

'Get Out the Map' by Indigo Girls, posted by marycontraire in a comment on Lass' journal. I've been listening to it pretty much nonstop on alternate with 'Joan' by Heather Dale, which was linked to by bedlamsbard on her journal.

Peter/Susan fic by chipping , one of the few not written by Bed or Lass that's, y'know, actually good. Linked to by lassiterfics . And this is why (along with Lass' the only things that echo, which while linking to I'd also like to link to the poem that the title comes from because it's beautiful) that I love 1sentence .

More stuff from marycontraire (because she looks at ontd_startrek more than I have the time to and also is awesome). The Brooding Moment with ZQ and Captain Fine. Nimoy and Taikei (the original Spock and Sulu) on The Daily Show. I know that sounds really weird, but trust me guys - it's hilarious. NIMOY TALKS ABOUT PON FARR. ON THE DAILY SHOW.

Does it need more Karl Urban? Yes, yes it does. (It does not help that he was amazing as Eomer in LotR.) Picspam by caramelsilver .

Shit still going down in Iran. I can't trust myself not to rant about this, so I'm not going to.

I went to the mall last Friday with Esther and Lea, and this store has the awesomest home accessories. So beautiful. ALSO. Awesome cookbooks, plain books, TRAVEL BOOKS WHEEE, and journals.


more productivity hopefully tomorrow. also, new haircut. *wibbles*

narnia, real life, merlin, fandom, music, star trek

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