
May 17, 2009 19:19

Testing 1.. 2... 3... Yay, crossposting works! I'm be_themoon over on DW too, so yeah. XD I'll be using this lovely crossposting tool I suppose, and I'm considering keeping my fic mostly over here. Why? I don't know. We'll see. XD

I could find Lassiter and Bedlam on here, but I can't remember everyone else's. Anyone with DW, can you drop me a comment with your username so I can add you there please? Thanks muchly!

whynot , thanks for the invite code! In other news, I'm just going to be messing around for the rest of the night, dealing with hopelessly up and down emotions, eating mint chocolate chip ice cream and finishing that ridiculously long HP fic what the heck argh.

in progress, hp, fanfiction

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