(no subject)

Jan 12, 2012 22:03

 In the interest of staving off imminent self-loathing, can I ask you guys to participate in a sort-of-meme for me briefly?

Namely, drop me some sort of writing prompt! A quote, a color, song lyrics, whatever.

It's going to be original stuff - if you want to see it just note in your comment and I'll reply with whatever I come up with. If you don't want to be bothered with whatever I churn out just drop the prompt and keep on your merry way!

If you have any preferences among my original projects you can mention that and I might go for that instead of the characters from the list. I could possibly also be interested in writing for Hardy Boys or SPN:TNG too, but I'm not really sure. Maybe, who knows.

Basically the only important part of this whole post is the bolded bit, the rest is just me rambling. I think I might go get some sleep, and then write lots in the morning, and I will feel awesome. THIS IS HOW LIFE WILL GO AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME DIFFERENT.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. There are
comments there.

original fic, i don't want to be wearing pants, brains are kind of shitty sometimes, writing

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