let's touch the sky: with a to and a fro (and a here there where) and away we go

Jun 08, 2011 21:57

 okay I have been a whiny twerp most of today. this is partially because I am cramping before my period (lol body thanks for stooping to new lows of putting me in pain) and I am still feeling restless and I am tired of cleaning house even though I have done very little of it this summer. any house cleaning feels like too much right now. (I literally spent a large portion of my junior year cleaning house for my mom. and a lot of that summer. and a lot of last fall.)

I'm also having a lot of trouble concentrating. and still utterly failing at crushes.

BUT NEVERTHELESS. between yesterday and today, I have managed to write almost 3K of X-Men fic (ANON ALL ANON SO ANON). it is on two different fics. so far only the first one is embarrassing, but the second one is fast approaching embarrassing too.

and I also suddenly feel a desire to work on that Edmund/Ianto sequel. It's set in the gap between Torchwood S1&2. Edmund takes a temporary job at Torchwood while he's on the run from something. There is Time Agent shenanigans and memory loss and I think Susan might come into it! It... will likely never get finished because there is a LOT of story to it.

which reminds me that I think Charles Xavier and Lucy Pevensie would get along SMASHINGLY. (he reminds her of Tumnus. something in his smile, bright and open. or maybe it's the blue of his eyes, or the tilt of his head. she's a regenerative mutant former queen of a fantasy country, he's a paralyzed telepath mutant professor. together with her sister they fight crime/prejudice/fear/hatred!)

also that I want all the icons.

and my new shiny laptop, even though I haven't ordered it yet. (tomorrow, I hope.)

oh snap dishes time.

this has been Betsy being utterly ridiculous. signing off for the next - uh, half hour? then I'll be back and writing again probably, because i am incorrigible and apparently can't go to sleep before like 1 in the morning and only then because that's when my mom goes to sleep and therefore checks on me.


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comments there.

narnia, x-men first class, torchwood, fanfic, writing

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