I'm really sad about school being over. Much as I'm eager and thrilled to be leaving home and going to New Zealand, this semester was really great for me, both learning-wise and personally. I feel like I've become a lot more comfortable with myself and being myself around other people. Saying what I actually think rather than bending to what people
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b) Hermione/Harry/Ron, as a trio. They're just - really, really fantastic. <333 They aren't perfect, they fight, they bicker, but they always pull through for each other. Harry/Luna. It's just such a sweet and unassuming friendship, and I love them connecting over being outsiders and Harry being entirely kind to Luna and Luna wholeheartedly supporting him. It's so lovely. Professor McGonagall/Harry. No, seriously! I really love how supportive of him she is, but at the same time she's strict. I love her sense of humor, and how much Harry appreciates her. And I think they've got a really fabulous relationship.
c) Draco/Ginny. I wish we'd gotten to see anything between them, really. Antagonistic, friendly, anything. I think it could have been epic.
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