Mar 16, 2007 12:03
As the quarter year mark of Bush Out 07' nears. I feel it is time to look back on the past three months of growth(Personal, spiritual, follicular). At the quarter point of our journey I feel comfortable in proposing an expansion to the Bush Out 07' mandate. Of course such an addendum could only be approved by those involved in the movement so I will motion to amend the unwritten guidelines of Bush Out 07'. This first amendment will be known as the Burt Reynolds/Tom Selleck rule.
Bush Out 07' is a movement born out of indifference. It rails against the movement of feminine beauty in men. Bush Out 07' is not just a style it's an attitude. It's like Joss Stone not wearing shoes or Mike Maclean Sr.'s mustash. So I propose that we expand the Bush Out 07's hair growth to the chest.
Now there are those who will think this is going to far. That, Bush Out is some kind of secret club that only you know you are in. I liken the proposed expansion of Bush Out to a uniform. Would people respect the Hells Angels if some of their members through red leather jackets with rhinestones all over it would look tough? Fuck no. I propose that we wear our hair with pride, and show these mother fuckers what Bush Out is all about.
So let it be henceforth that the mandate of Bush Out 07' will cover hair growth from the bottom of the collarbone to the base of the penis. Yay or Nay?
Also...Go Michigan in the NIT....Gay