I can't go on pretending; I don't love you anymore

Mar 24, 2004 20:50

Sarah CM says: Hey!
KkateeD: omg hi!
Sarah CM says: :-D HEY!
Sarah CM says: hahah how are you?
KkateeD: good i havnt talked 2 u 4ever
Sarah CM says: I know :-(
KkateeD: so hows it going
Sarah CM says: pretty good pretty good
Sarah CM says: im on vacation...just got back from vegas
KkateeD: i hate u right now
Sarah CM says: :-)
KkateeD: so-any others girls at eaglebrook since i last talked 2 u
KkateeD: i heard pat ryan's little sis is going
Sarah CM says: Yeah
Sarah CM says: there are gonna be ten effing girls here next year
KkateeD: that's pretty cool
KkateeD: its cool 2 b round guys but not 24/7
KkateeD: i had a good day 2 day
Sarah CM says: really?
KkateeD: ya it started out kinda scrwd up (mostly cuz a me) but it got all fixed
Sarah CM says: What happened?
KkateeD: i scrwd up by talking bout ppl behind thier back and making some ppl real sad but it got all fixed
KkateeD: and i found my cellphone whichwas lost 4 like a month
KkateeD: ya-good day
Sarah CM says: hahah
Sarah CM says: coo
KkateeD: ive been scrwing up alot lately
Sarah CM says: :-(
Sarah CM says: Yes....you've screwed up by not hanging out iwht me!!!
Sarah CM says: Heheh we neeeeeeed to hang out
KkateeD: i no i havnt seen u 4ever
Sarah CM says: i know
KkateeD: what does pessimistic mean
KkateeD: ive always wondered
Sarah CM says: hahaha
Sarah CM says: negative....not seeing the good in anything
Sarah CM says: the oppsotie of optimistic
KkateeD: like cynical
Sarah CM says: eyore is a pessimist
Sarah CM says: yes
KkateeD: haha i used a big word
Sarah CM says: hahahah :-) 8-)
KkateeD: omg everyone @ school makes fun of me 4 bein a hic
Sarah CM says: hahaha
Sarah CM says: we're conway girls!
Sarah CM says: except...i dont live in conway anymore
Sarah CM says: (shhhh)
KkateeD: jus cuz i can drive a tractor does not mean ima hic
Sarah CM says: hahahah
KkateeD: lots of ppl can drive tractors!
Sarah CM says: you're awesome
KkateeD: thank u
KkateeD: ppl say that and i dont no why
Sarah CM says: ...cause you are....
KkateeD: kewl
KkateeD: whats up wit ur icon
Sarah CM says: nothing...?
Sarah CM says: its people holding hands
Sarah CM says: i think its cute
Sarah CM says: <--- a loser
KkateeD: o i thot it ment somethin
Sarah CM says: nope not really
KkateeD: thats coo 2
KkateeD: so who do ya like these days
Sarah CM says: hahah well i don't like my boyfriend.....so i don't know
Sarah CM says: hahah
KkateeD: boyfriend!
Sarah CM says: i really dont know why im still going out with him....i just don't want to break his heart
Sarah CM says: hahah yea
KkateeD: well break his heart i dont care
KkateeD: whats the point of dating someone u dont like
Sarah CM says: that's true
Sarah CM says: but i ..... really don't want to break his heart
KkateeD: well tell him i said u could
Sarah CM says: Katy....you're the effing best.....we really need to hang out more
KkateeD: heehee
Sarah CM says: "Hey Eric....Katy says I can break your heart; can I?"
Sarah CM says: yeah that'll work hahahah
KkateeD: dont ask him-tell him
KkateeD: tell him 2 call me and ill give him a piece of my mind
Sarah CM says: hahahah
KkateeD: ROAR!!!!
KkateeD: did i scare u?
Sarah CM says: YES
KkateeD: haha my evil plan worked
KkateeD: pause-time for my evil laugh
KkateeD: okay im done
Sarah CM says: hahhahaha
Sarah CM says: you have no idea how hard I am laughing right now
Sarah CM says: you are the best
Sarah CM says: you are the effing (wo)man
KkateeD: ha i like that
KkateeD: do ulike blueberry pancakes?
Sarah CM says: no
Sarah CM says: Ew
KkateeD: me neither!
Sarah CM says: rock on!
KkateeD: i dont like bluberry muffins either
Sarah CM says: you have my hooters shorts!
Sarah CM says: me neither!
Sarah CM says: rock on!
KkateeD: omg i do!
Sarah CM says: hahahah
KkateeD: i dont no where they r tho
KkateeD: wait-yes i do
Sarah CM says: :-( oh well
Sarah CM says: :-) oh yay
KkateeD: yay hope for the hooters pants!
Sarah CM says: yay!
KkateeD: i think tires are hairy
Sarah CM says: Tires?
KkateeD: ya-tires can go bald just like old men
Sarah CM says: hahah how are tires hairy?
Sarah CM says: oh my god you're right
KkateeD: but on old men it grows back in thier ears
Sarah CM says: but i don't think they are hairy
KkateeD: u no those little rubber things that poke out
Sarah CM says: yeah tires dont grow em bak on their hubcaps
Sarah CM says: yeah but i don't think that's hair
KkateeD: if i had hair like that i would die
Sarah CM says: they're....tirey
KkateeD: well did u ever ask a tire?
Sarah CM says: Maybe I should
KkateeD: well u insulted it by calling it hairless so it won't talk 2 u
KkateeD: it told me so
Sarah CM says: No ... those aren't hair!
KkateeD: fine fine(*cough*tires have hair*cough*)
Sarah CM says: Fine!
Sarah CM says: Tires have hair!
KkateeD: heehee i win
KkateeD: how much does an ipod cost?
KkateeD: do you think i have ADD?
Sarah CM says: YE
Sarah CM says: Yes*
Sarah CM says: YES***
KkateeD: i know a kid named ye
KkateeD: he's cool
KkateeD: i think ill keep my ADD
KkateeD: ill pet it, and feed it, and it will grow
Sarah CM says: thats half the reason i love you so much
Sarah CM says: AHHA'OPIS
Sarah CM says: POI'FDHGJ
Sarah CM says: A'DF'HG
Sarah CM says: O'IPDFJKGL
Sarah CM says: "ADF
KkateeD: then it will take over the city and eat us all
KkateeD: ahhhh!
KkateeD: get out of the way
KkateeD: squish squish
KkateeD: o no my car!
KkateeD: o no that old hobo lady died!
KkateeD: do u know the bag lady?
KkateeD: she dresses in plastic bags
KkateeD: she's my hero
Sarah CM says: you're my hero
KkateeD: hi ho silver away!
KkateeD: *swish*
KkateeD: tht was my pink cape
KkateeD: i like pink
Sarah CM says: hjahahah
Sarah CM says: me too!
Sarah CM says: its the best color!
KkateeD: this girls pro is like /S/A/R/A/H/-my anti drug
KkateeD: ya all the way
Sarah CM says: hahaha
Sarah CM says: :-) im her anti drug
KkateeD: heehee
Sarah CM says: :-) i have no idea who it is
KkateeD: ????
Sarah CM says: who's profile is that?
KkateeD: Sarah Halla
KkateeD: u dont no her
Sarah CM says: oh yeah i do
KkateeD: want 2 heer my song?
KkateeD: Some ppl like frikin in the mornin
KkateeD: some ppl like frikin @ nite
KkateeD: some ppl like frikin on the table
KkateeD: but they might get stabbed by that nife
Sarah CM says: lmao
KkateeD: some ppl like frikin some ppl like frikin ya ya
KkateeD: hey molly armstrong and her frends made it up
Sarah CM says: heheheheh
KkateeD: what if ppl really laffed like that?
KkateeD: heh heh heh
Sarah CM says: heheheh i do sometimes
KkateeD: do u get the wierd look
KkateeD: i no that look
Sarah CM says: hahah yes
KkateeD: i no a kid that laughs so hard he cries
Sarah CM says: I do that someitmes!
KkateeD: do u no that laffing is reely excersize?
Sarah CM says: really?
Sarah CM says: awessseom
KkateeD: ya

Katy is my God. I love her, I miss her, and I don't see her enough. Thank you and good night

So my mom e-mails me this picture of me with a low cut top and a new bra and she said "It almost looks like CLEAVAGE!" Haha I love my mom.

I had a fantastic time at DA this afternoon. I didn't leave the house until 3, which was when I was supposed to be there and since I was sore and wearing unpractical shoes for running, I was doing a terrible job of getting there. But, John Durant was going to the Post Office so he offered me a ride. So I went to the Post Office and then walked over to the school building where Garrett and Robert and their friends Steph and Sam and some other girl (I forget her name) were. I talked with them for a bit and then they all had to leave except Robert. So he gave me a campus tour. Then we went down to the Deerfield River and walked around there. I did a handstand and my pants ripped again. :( Oh well. Then we walked over to the library (I saw Dom on the way over...he was in the car with his dad...no idea why he was there, but whatever) and hung out there. Then we went to his dorm and watched TV (Room Raiders) and played Foosball (he killed me...it was embarrassing) in the basement. Then I called my mom and she happened to be on the way over so I just bummed a ride off of her. Then we had Subway for dinner. And here I am. Bored out of my tree. I'm actually tired. But I don't want to sleep. Ha. I keep thinking, okay time to do homework, Sarah, stop procrastinating. And then I'm like, oh wait....

My mom loved my brownies. They were supposed to be for the bake sale but she's just gonna buy them in advance and bring ten dollars to pay for them on Saturday. :P It made me feel like I was good at something. And they were quite yummy as well. I love them. :)
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