snow day Happy Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2007 15:39

so i figured since i have some free time i should update cuz i havent in forever.

im pretty happy cuz i found hands down on myspace haha & i really wanted that song on there :) yay lol.


so life. its good.
today is valentine's day woop? nothing too exciting, i gotta rose yesterday from my friends sarah & mike theyre so sweet. and i have a valentine. kinda, lol. :) <3

im pretty much done w/ college apps tahts a great feeling. lemme tell ya.
i had my interview for Georgetown U last thurs & it went really well so thats pretty sweet. we'll see what happens. God already knows where im gonna go. :]

i feel like school is so dumb lately haha. cuz i dont really learn anything, except for trig. the rest of the day is so boring. but easy - gotta love bein a senior.

last weekend was fun. fri was batttle of the bands. the band that won only won prolly cuz they had 3 seniors in it, they really werent taht good. thats beat. whatever tho, i missed the one band i actually came to see. hah go figure.
afterwards was really fun tho :) went to starbucks w/ marie, rich, and jon. techno frolickers, what? hahahah. my new name is number 6 & apparently i look like a gnome...but theyre cute? so thats good? hahah good&cooollldd times<333

sat was chill. went to the old ppl home for a key club thing. theyre funny.
sun was YAG allllll day. oyy. but it was ok, texting kept me occupied. but i missed church :*( but fri is only 2 days away :D

...just when i think ive figured things out. i havent. hah but thats kinda good. yea i know this prolly doesnt make sense but thats ok, cuz it makes sense to me & God's changed my heart about something...which is prolly better. well i know it is. hah this was mainly for me cuz i know no one else got it.

well peace gangstas...

*remember - God's love is true & fulfilling. God is love.
"we love Him because He first loved us" - 1 John 4:19* <3 God bless.

you and i cold february night,
its been half an hour.
takin sweet time sayin our goodbyes
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