my life since i updated last lol

Jan 22, 2007 11:15

ok so lets try this again...ohmygosh i dont wanna now but i have nothing else to do for 30 min till i get outta here so yeah. blegh.

really nice, no silly family "drama?" i love giving presents :)

oh yeah! jon mac came home for a while & i drove him home after yg one night. weird but cool. reversed roles, hah i got to threaten him to get out of MY moving car. haha.

so ive applied to 5 colleges so far Georgetown U *first choice (so far)*, UNC-Chapel Hill, Albright College, Loyola College, Elizabethtown College
im also applying to Gettysburg College, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Campbell U, & maybe Liberty
the last 3 are Christian schools, im still not sure where God wants me, but i know He'll show me.

Winter Retreat 2007
yay! soooo good. its sofunny how a lot of ppl i talked to either werent supposed to go or didnt wanna go, me being one of the latter cuz i had midterms the upcoming week & was all "when am i gonna study, wan wan wan"
but yeah after we were all SO glad we went. then enemy def didnt want us to go. but God is so good. =)

the theme was surrender & its interesting cuz the girls in my cabin found that we had a lot of the same things that the Lord showed us He wanted us to give to Him. sometimes we can hold back things from the Lord w/o even realizing, we may offer up our hands in surrender yet still hold certain things tightly in them. but it was so good. the Lord spoke to me so clearly & showed me awesome things & i was praying that i would not come back the same & God is so faithful =] He helped me to just trust Him & allow Him to exchange the things i was holding onto for things that are so much better, things that are holy & righteous.

fun times too :] - josie & i extreme-work out paddleboating, amanda getting stranded in the paddleboat, "nature walk" w/ chels, jenna, steve, aaron, dave, & triana, ball-fights w/ josie & nader, talentLESS show (morley & dave singing, me "catching" chrisryp), me & amanda having the same life lol.

didnt get to go to yg @ the Loures's or ice-skating w/ everyone cuz i had stupid huge trig review packet thing to do. or start. ha.

sunday was really great. great message, went to 2nd service at ccob. me & shan had matching shirts lol - yeah were still twins :P hah. everyone was going to olive garden for AMANDA'S BIRTHDAY! & Aaron's going away partay. steve drove me to my car cuz it was far. drove to olive garden.

waited in the parking lot & had interesting convos w/ shan, steve, & shawn lol. ;) so somebody was talking about me to shawn, i should invite him to prom, & steve is going to "rekindle the flame" haha

then we got out of our cars & went inside. everyone else got there. there was 20 of us, crazy. good food, yay breadsticks! lol
josie is silly
- grace: "i almost killed a chipmunk when i was mowing the lawn."
- josie*astonished look*: " mow the lawn?"

hahaha. oh man good times.

THAT WAS LONG. sorry =[

i have my last midterm tomorrow. yayayyay! graphic design in the morning then leaving early cuz i have lunch 5th period, goin out to breakfast woo-hoo!

see ya'll lata.

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you
He rises to show you compassion
our Lord is a God of justice
blessed are all who wait on Him"
Isaiah 30:18 niv <3
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