Who the hell are Sam and Diane? they sound cool! :D Friends is Meh and Gossip Girl is made of fail
I don't think I have a OTP.
Lost: Probably Desmond/Penny because, well Desmond can't be with anyone else! Except Charlie.
I like Juliet and Sawyer together too.
Doctor Who: I don't have a OTP. I don't ship The Doctor with anyone really, apart from maybe Romana. After all, they were both Timelords/ladies. That might be to do witht he amazing chemistary Lalla Ward and Tom Baker had. I'm sad it didn't work out for them. It would be so awesome if Karen's character is Romana IIII.
Being Human: I'm still not sure who I ship. Everyone seems to love Mitchell/Annie but I tihnk Annie/George would be kind of cute. I don't really like Nina that much...
Torchwood: Gwen and Rhys! their so funny. Stop being a bitch to him Gwen! Janto is over rated. I miss Tosh and Owen,
Classic!who update:
The Romans The Time Traveler's Wife book page: 212/518
Life update: Having a lazy day today, as the weather's not up to much again. I've arranged to meet some mates tomorrow and play tennis again and go shopping.
Action shot of me playing Tennis on Tuesday: