Jan 01, 2008 19:57
Yeah, I used the phrase. Proud of it, too.
I've slept 3 hours in the past 36, and i'm ok with that. New year's eve was basically the best.
I went to Maranatha for the lock-in which seemed less than promising. I was hoping to ditch out early with the EPD boys, but decided against it. and boy am I glad. The night was filled with couch sitting, band watching, nacho eating, tricycle riding, hot dog eating, comedian watching, working out, playing PS2 with 12 year old boys, fixing hair in the bathroom, being cold, sitting on more couches, texting the people next to me on the couch, and just LOVIN LIFE. I don't care if that's the clones' new little saying. it so perfectly describes the night.
I keep remembering little things that happened during the night that just made it so great and I laugh out loud a little bit.
Heidie interviewing Chris.
Ryan always having a mischeivious smile on his face.
Mitch fixing the PS2 for us. and his tat.
Brody up-nodding at us.
Hair spray in the bathroom.
How cute Moody was when watching Children 18:3.
Ethy giving me a shout out during their set.
Me standing uncomfortably close to Adam during their set.
Moody showing off his 'stache.
Brandon and Zach hxc dancing.
Anne's crotch.
All the couching.
The couch texting.
DJ being my new best friend.
DJ waking up that little kid while he was sleeping.
Dan being ridiculous.
Anne and I being drunk on the tricycles.
and my favorite moment:
Me/Alyssa/Heidie/Anne's 4-way hug at midnight. :D
happy new year.