Oct 17, 2007 06:58
well, i went to the echo project. my neighbor (freddy, owner of sweet water) swindled me an awsome deal where he's amazing and got me in for free at the VERY last moment.
i would like to say that i definatly plan on returning to the festival for the next 9 years they have it (or that i would love return as often as possible). i saw SOOOOO many people i know, it was crazy. it was really chill, ex. no matter how close to the stage you were there was always room to set your crap on the ground and dance around like a fool, no smooshing and smashing like over anxiouse fools.
i am however still paying the bill to my lungs for not wearing a bandana around my nose and mouth to protect me from the fine but bountyfull dust.
(i almost didnt go to atlanta too. cuz my ride left at 5 and i didnt find out i had a ticked till 7, i just cant help but take slim chances... thank god)
well, i have a take home midterm due in.... 10 hours. three short essays to go. i procrastinate too much.
middle eastern geography. yum. actually, its not that bad because my teacher is awsome about giving us a nice guide for notes and so on. my fave teacher her without a doubt.
OOOOOHHHHH, how i love music festivals. they just make me so happy inside. (just in theory) that is what the world should be like... music and happiness and communities of people surrounded by their peers. just pure wonderfull, and then theres the logistics of it all. bleh.
oh, lol, my mom wants to take my whole family to burning man in a few years. whe said she wants to take my brother and i when we're both 21, so in like two or three years. HAH, i dont think she could survive bonnaroo, much less burning man.
oh. and as i was walking over to see the flaming lips i figured out exactly what a good trip (drugs) is.
its being so happy and so content with where you are and everything thats going on that you could just wrap it around you like a blanket and go to sleep.