Dec 10, 2003 02:43
Nevermind wasn't a porno, false alarm, it was a mixutre of just fucked up shit from around the world. Well things have been going ok I guess. One last exam tomorrow and im done until January 12. That makes me feel good, but I still have this unsettling feeling inside me that I can't exactly figure out. I don't know what it is, it's the kind of feeling that something is not resolved, or something is incomplete. I think I may know what it is, but if that is what it is, I don't really want to get into it. Those involved know what it is, so names dont need to be said, nor fingers pointed. On a lighter note, the acoustic Starting Line CD is really good. Short but sweet. I'm glad people are starting to come home, I miss quite a few of the people from my high school years. I'm looking forward to the break from school, however seeing as I have no house to go to, I'm going to be quite the drifter for a month. I'm sure josh and jacob wouldnt mind putting me up for a while on the futon. I look around the dorm at the roaches, the small living quarters, williams blankets falling on me and scaring the shit out of me through the course of the night, and my longing to have an area to call my own, and it makes the house idea with my friends sweeter and sweeter. Only a couple more months before that dream becomes a reality, and hopefully the roach problem will be solved after this break. Whatever this wesley snipes movie is on HBO it sucks. (if i only had a nickel for everytime i've said that) Ah Family Guy, good timing. I really got nothing else to say, I'm down and out for the time being.
Another falling out.