Everything goes from bad to worse

Apr 11, 2005 01:28

How had things gotten so bad around here? After all that had happened since I'd been back, things just seemed to go from bad to worse lately. Illyria had taken me back to Pylea, for one. I'd tried to be strong, but just being back there in that place stirred up those old emotions inside of me. That insecure and lost little girl was knocking on the confidence that I'd gained over the past three years.

Not only did I get dragged back to my own personal hell, but when Wesley came to find me he lost his sight. Wesley was blind. No matter how many times I said that to myself, I couldn't get used to it. He'd always been so strong in my eyes. Eyes. Funny how little phrases mean so much more now. Wesley needed his sight, and I wanted him to have it back. He'd lost it because of me and that wasn't fair to him. He needed his sight because that's what he did. He was the one to read and research everything like no one else could. And I doubt that ancient prophecies and scrolls came in brail. The selfish part of me wanted him to have his sight back because I missed the way he'd look at me. Those caring eyes that brightened when he looked at me.

Sighing, I carried the books he wanted me to bring with us and moved them to one side of my body so I could carry them with my one arm. The reason I carried them? That was another one of those things that had gotten worse. Angelus was back. The fact that he was running around these offices doing whatever he pleased and to whomever he pleased caused a chill to run up my spine. Connor had run out of the office to go looking for Cordelia who'd run out on Wesley earlier leaving him alone in that office. And then there was Faith who'd disappeared suddenly. Sighing, I wondered if both of them were alright, hoped they were both alright.

I looked over at Wesley as we exited the office and studied his face. The man could be so stubborn sometimes. I was just glad that his stubbornness passed long enough for him to agree that it was a good idea for me to go with him upstairs. Catching up to him, I reached over and linked my arm in his and took his hand. It wasn't because I thought he needed to be guided or led around like a child, but I still felt safer when I was with him.

My eyes darted around the building as we walked, trying to spot Angelus before he did us. It was wishful thinking, but I could still try. If he saw us, he'd make sure we didn't see him until he wanted us to. That was something he'd learned how to do very well. We made it to the elevator and I let go of his hand to push the button. It seemed like an eternity as we waited for the elevator to arrive. I looked up at the numbers and waited for our floor's number to light up. Then the doors would open and we'd be that much closer to the room where we'd be safe. Once we were safe in the room, I'd do my best to be Wesley's eyes and figure out what these books were saying.

[Open to Wes]
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