Mar 03, 2008 21:02
I need to learn when enough is enough.
I went to San Diego this weekend. I knew I should've have, but I did anyway. Chewed on my lip ring so much it bled. Yum. Now it's all irritated and probably won't heal...ever. Granted I've only had it since Wednesday, but it's really annoying. It doesn't feel ANY better. I want it healed like now. I'm having my usual Spring-ish allergy attack as well. Perfect timing, ne? I just layed in bed all day and coughed my brains out. Miserable! I did order Madhouse from Amazon last night though. I'm excited about reading that. Yay for naked orgy-going Pan spirits!
I called Kathy at like four and asked if she could take me to the friggin' store to get medicine. She said yeah, but notice it's like nine, and we still haven't gone. I just asked Mallory if she would take me. She said yeah, but I have to wait for her too because she's gonna eat first. I dunno, if my friends were sick and I had a car, I definitely would've placed them a little higher on my itenerary, but I'm probably just irritated and needy right now.
I'd better get some goddamn medicine tonight though given that I have 9:30 class tomorrow. I need to be all drugged up damn it!
I haven't been taking care of myself, and now I'm paying for it.