Costumes for Flipside?
Can I stress how lame I am at costumes?
Por ejemplo, here is a list of most of my halloween costumes from the past decade or so:
- The sick guy. I was actually really really ill with a cold. We went to a party for about 10 minutes, and I drank some liquor out of a plastic nyquil cup.
- Monk's robes with a prison number on the back. I was a "felonious monk."
- My mom after coming out of the shower. I put my hair up in a towel, wore a towel, and put one of those green facial masks on. It was supposed to be a sequel to my earlier costume, which was...
- My dad in the 70's. I just wore some old clothes of his and put some mardi gras beads on for extra 70's swinger appeal. There is actually a picture in my online gallery
- In middle school, I went as the Columbian Coffee guy, Juan Valdez. I had a sombrero on, a makeshift poncho, and a shoulder bag of coffee.
So, yeah - high on creative story maybe, but low on construction. Maybe I'll just staple some cushions together and go as "Mr. Pillow."