Title: The Arrow's Flight 13/?
Pairing: Changmin/Junsu (Jaejoong/fc, Yunho/Heechul, Yoochun/Yoohwan [incest], Junho/fc)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Here is another world that I wish existed in a place other than my mind, but it doesn't and I don't own them and I can only place them into this delusion.
Summary: Greed and corruption rule two neighboring kingdoms: The Kingdom of Mountains and the Kingdom of Trees. Two princes are planning a coup. Their success or failure depends on the shadow in the woods, the rogue of the forests, the arrow in the sky.
A/N: Totally inspired by Robin Hood. Can you blame me?
All archery terms are taken from
Warning: het
Part 13:
The Ascham
A tall, slender wooden case used to hold bows and arrows. Pronounced "ask-am."
Jaejoong paced the room. Both his wife and daughter were resting. Both of them stayed in the room. Only two of the guards left at a time. Taeyang was healing well, sleeping in a cot near the door. He insisted on having a knife with him at all times, just in case.
Jaejoong hated how much his family was in danger. Even in this little room, it’d be so easy to overtake his guards, slit all their throats. He had a feeling that no one would stop an attack.
Another month. In this room. He might go crazy.
His father was not getting better, losing energy every day. He rarely got out of bed. Decline. Slow, but a decline. He glanced at his wife. And then at her bag. The herbs. Maybe. Siwon was a palace doctor. A Mountains Palace doctor. Was he a spy? Did he have his own machinations? But what did the King of Mountains gain if the princess died?
Kidnapping her, yes. Jaejoong understood that. He would have definitely paid a ransom for her out of his meager funds. Anything to keep her and his newest child safe. Boy or girl. He desperately wanted a boy, but he would not love the child any less if it was another girl.
But by the Trees, he hoped it was a boy.
The Festival of Stones was only a few days away. If his father could hang on for a few more weeks. Just a few more.
Junho paced his room, moonlight shining on his naked skin. His wife lay asleep, and quite pleasured if he could give himself some self-praise. Taeyeon was beautiful and perfect. Would she be safe on the day of the festival? He had plans to have at least one of his guard stay with her. Maybe two. But he and Junsu needed to be protected. He knew that he could not trust his father’s guard.
He planned on walking the Festival armed to the teeth, hidden knives along with his sword. He would not carry an ornamental one, but one ready to kill anyone that tried to hurt him or his brother, before or after the king was killed.
Junho shut his eyes and stopped, centering himself. He constantly stopped the thoughts of his father dead. He said that he was going to kill the king, not that he was going to kill his father. He avoided that.
But there, alone, vulnerable, and naked, he forced himself to remember the father that had raised him, the father that had taught him to shoot a bow, the father that had taught him how to wield a sword. The father that had taught him to remember his family, remember his people, remember his duty and responsibility.
When had his father forgotten all of that? When had his father turned into the king that now led them into the ground and taxed their people to pay for wars with the kingdom across the forests?
Junho felt a tear on his cheek almost at the same moment that arms wrapped around his waist.
“All will be well, my love,” Taeyeon whispered.
He gripped her wrists where they were on his stomach. “I hope so.”
She pulled him back toward the bed, and he followed her easily beneath the sheets, to forget a few more times.
Yunho trailed his fingertips in a pattern of hearts and flowers over his lover’s flat stomach. They had said nothing, done nothing but breathe for almost a half hour. That was almost a miracle, considering his bed partner. Yunho did not mind. He smiled as Heechul shifted, arching into the touches when he attempted to pull his fingers away.
It stayed silent, with only the trees creaking in the night.
“We’re leaving in the morning,” Heechul whispered.
Changmin’s plan was to have them already in the Mountains Kingdom, so they could walk with the crowds to the gorge. Changmin would not take his position until the morning of, after the guards had patrolled the caverns around the gorge. They usually did, according to Taemin who had been there a few days ago to tell them of the route.
“I’m not sure that I can focus on our job if you’re in danger,” Heechul said.
Yunho smiled widely. “Really? Why is that?”
Heechul grumbled. “No reason.”
With a laugh, Yunho moved his body on top of Heechul’s and went for his mouth. Heechul’s legs wrapped around him just as they kissed, and Yunho rocked against his body. “Tell me and I’ll fuck you again.”
“You’ll fuck me again anyway.”
Yunho started to pull away and Heechul’s legs tightened around him, his hands went into Yunho’s hair. “I love you,” Heechul said, voice hitching.
Yunho felt his throat closed and instead of whispering it back, he pressed a firm kiss to his mouth and pressed back inside his lover.
Changmin left Kangin and Leeteuk in charge. Normally it would go to Heechul and Yunho, or even Hangeng, but his ranks were a mess right now. He trusted Kangin with his life, like he trusted most of them. He had not trusted Hangeng, not completely, though he did wonder at his methods. Had he really been working for the King of Trees? Or Jaejoong’s uncle?
Changmin disappeared into the trees. With life in the village going on as normal, Changmin had to center himself. With trees, with hunting, with the woods that were his home. The rivers and ponds and animals and plants.
It usually worked.
Maybe because of his task it was not working this time. The festival was only two days away and Changmin paced, back and forth, his footsteps loud in the silence of the forests. He was far enough away from the compound not to garner attention, but still not close enough to alert any Mountain guards. He hoped.
Normally, on a stakeout like this, he would already be in position, getting familiar with the terrain, taking a few practice shots. But he could not. The soldiers always cleared the caverns before the Festival, before setting up their own security in the caves. He had to wait until only a few moments before.
And he no longer had backup. Yunho and Heechul would protect the princes and slit a throat or two if need be, but the shot belonged to him. He only had one. He could not miss.
He would not miss.
Morning sun spilled into the room. Jaejoong sipped at a warm cup of tea. His wife and daughter lay on the bed, talking about something related to fashion, Jaejoong was not sure. He had not been listening.
A loud knock echoed in the room, and then the door opened. Seungri and Seunghyun pulled their swords.
The king’s advisor bowed at Jaejoong. “You are needed in court, Prince Jaejoong.”
Jaejoong narrowed his eyes. “I am confined to my rooms.”
He shook his head. “Your father has not been conscious for two days. The courts are overflowing with duties. You have been in here since your father collapsed and there is no way that you are causing his illness. The council and I need you in court.”
Jaejoong looked at his guards and at Jiyong’s nostrils flaring with irritation. He stood up and said, “I will dress appropriately and be there for court at ten.”
The King’s Advisor bowed and turned around, heading back down the hall with a few castle guards behind him.
“This could be a trick,” Jiyong said.
Jaejoong nodded. “Go verify it while I dress.”
Jiyong took a deep breath and nodded. “Seungri!”
“Do you need me to come?” Seohyun asked and struggled to sit up.
Jaejoong shook his head. “Stay here. I need you and Minzy protected at all costs.”
“But you’ll throw yourself out in front of an assassin's arrow?”
Jaejoong paused and said very carefully, “A king is always the target of an assassin’s arrow, but that does not mean he is allowed to shirk his duties to his kingdom.”
“Don’t be sensible when I am worried about you.”
Jaejoong chuckled. “You’re usually the sensible one, even when there is danger.”
“Pregnancy messes with your mind.”
Jaejoong leaned over his wife and kissed her lips. “Please stay here with Minzy, okay?”
She nodded. “I will.”
Jaejoong went into the next room and dressed in the finer clothes that he had not touched for the last few weeks. He worried about his father. Unconscious for two days? That did not sound like he was going to be better. And how much would the King’s Advisor attempt to thwart his ideas in court? He had always hated the way his father punished even the smallest infraction. He had his own ideas on how best to deal with those who could not pay rather than throw them in the dungeon, but to what level would there be resistance from those in the court?
And the timing, how was that a factor? The Festival of Stones was the very next day. Junho would be king if everything went according to their plans. Jaejoong had no idea what was going on with Max. He could not risk sending one of his guards into the trees to find out, and Max had not sent Micky or Ricky to tell him of any changes. He had to go on like always, and he had to pretend that he had no idea what was going. Easy, since he did not.
Jaejoong draped his deep green prince’s cloak around his shoulders, just as Jiyong and Seungri returned.
Jiyong frowned and nodded. “The king is unresponsive. His heartbeat is slow.”
Jaejoong took a very deep breath to center himself. “Very well. Seunghyun and Seungri will stay and watch over my family and Taeyang. You and Daesung will come with me to court.”
His guards acknowledged the order and Jaejoong went to his wife for one more kiss. Hopefully, not their last.
Junsu leaned against the stone window of his borrowed room and sighed. The moon was full, throwing light all over the Mountain Kingdom. He looked over to the east, toward the Stone Plateau.
Was Changmin already there? Had anything horrible happened to stop this from happening? What if Changmin had betrayed him?
Junsu shook his head and bit his lip against a whimper. No way. No way. Changmin would never do that. Changmin loved him. Wanted him.
Junsu buried his face in his arms and fought back tears. His body still hurt a little, but it was his heart that was throbbing and cracking. Changmin loved him. If those had been words, fake to weaken him, to betray him ... Well, there was not much that Junsu could do about it except continue on.
Everything would be revealed tomorrow.
A hand gripped his shoulder and he jumped in surprise. It was Taemin, and Junsu took a deep breath that only made his chest tighten not loosen, and he pressed his face against the soft cloak covering Taemin’s chest to hide his tears.
Taemin said nothing and hugged him. It was only a few minutes later, that Taemin’s arm were replaced by his brother’s.
“We can’t do this,” Junsu gasped. “We can’t, Ho, we can’t.”
Junho lifted Junsu’s face away from his chest and wiped at his cheeks. “We don’t have to. You trust him.”
Junsu blinked and tried to pull his face away. “I don’t know who to trust anymore.”
“Trust me,” Junho said.
Junsu nodded. “Duh, hyung.”
Junho’s grip tightened. “If this fails, if it does not work, for whatever reason, then I will do it myself. You understand. You’ve already been injured, hurt, in pain. I will not allow it to happen to you again.”
Junsu gripped Junho’s wrists.
“You trust him. If you did not, you would not be so worried.”
Junsu let out a slow breath.
“Do you trust him?”
“Y-yes,” he stammered. “Yes. I-I trust him.”
Junho pressed a kiss to his forehead. “So do I. We need to sleep. We cannot let anyone suspect anything. Come to my bed, okay? You’ll sleep better if you aren’t alone.”
Junsu nodded. “T-thanks, hyung.”
Changmin stood on a large rock jutting out from the ground. One side of it dropped off in a ragged cliff, and the other side curled up in a smooth surface. It was like the Gods of the Mountains took a giant saw and cut it right in half but kept the other half for some other use and left this half just sitting here in the middle of the trees. The sun rose behind him, bathing everything in whites and golds.
Just a few hundred feet to the west was the gorge and the Stone Plateau. If he listened, he could hear the echoes of the vendors setting up their stalls. The morning was quiet and calm.
Changmin pressed his bow to the stone and leaned on it for only a moment. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath of morning air. The king would walk around the Festival before noon, in front of the judges who would decide which crystals and stones were the best of the Festival.
If everything went according to plan, there would not be a winner this year.
Changmin stared to the west for a little longer. Silent, swift, centered. In control. Changmin slipped down the curved part of the rock. He put his bow on his back and moved toward the noises, disappearing within the trees.
Part 14:
The Archer Part 12:
The BarbPart 11:
The Nocking PointPart 10:
The Target PanicPart 9:
The FishtailingPart 8:
The Sight WindowPart 7:
The AimPart 6:
The BracerPart 5:
The FletchingPart 4:
The LimbsPart 3:
The AnchorPart 2:
The GripPart 1:
The Shaft .