Title: Rising Creatures of the East 10/???
Rating: Chapters will range from PG - NC-17
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu, Yunho/Jaejoong (other pairings of other characters as well
Disclaimer: If they were mine, I'd tie them to the wall and use their skin as my paper. Can you imagine? Writing fanfics on Jaejoong's abs???
Warnings: AU, Fantasy
Summary: What do you get when you cross an elf, a vampire, a faerie, a zombie and a werewolf? A singing goup? No way!
A/N: This fic will contain members of other groups like Super Junior, Arashi, NEWS and other K-Pop, J-Rock bands. This fic also contains members from OneTVXQ forums.
This is a creature fic. The DBSK boys are
Jaejoong - Faerie
Yunho - Werewolf
Yoochun - Vampire
Junsu - Elf
Changmin - Zombie
Chapter 10:
A half hour later, five very disgruntled creatures met in the living room.
Yunho cleared his throat. “We could do without the fiasco that happened yesterday, understand?”
None of them said anything.
“It was the faerie’s fault!” Junsu said.
When Jae went to protest, Yunho held up a hand. “Are we twelve, pointing fingers at each other? We’re grown men and we sure as hell should be acting like it. The differences between us are nothing but petty and illogical. We all want the same things, right?”
“Like what?” Changmin asked.
“Well, we all want to perform, right? Be noticed.” He looked at Jae when he said this. “Belong to something, even if it is with other creatures. And we all need the same things, right? Food, water, energy, sex.” He shot a pointed look at Yoochun and Junsu. Even with their shower, he could still smell it on their skin. They grinned at each other.
“And either fortunately or unfortunately we all have to work together to get those things,” Yunho said. “It’s up to us to decide how difficult we make this on ourselves. I’m trying to get along with all of you, but sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who’s trying, Yoosu not included.”
“I’m trying, hyung,” Changmin whispered.
“Oh, so I guess you’re saying that I’m not trying?” Jae crossed his arms in defiance.
“No, you’re trying,” Yunho said and met his eyes. He wouldn’t mention the coffee thing in front of the others, but hoped that Jae understood that he appreciated the gesture. “The problem is that you’re not trying with all of us. Neither are you, Junsu. The two of you need to stop throwing magic at each other. And no throwing pieces of Changmin at each other either.”
Jae scoffed in disgust. “Like I’d touch him.”
“Shut up, Jae,” Yunho said. “He’s a creature, same as you. What I said before is true. Between helping Changmin clean up his scraps and dealing with your arrogance and selfishness, I’ll take Changmin scraps.”
He knew it would hurt Jae to hear that, and he was right as Jae’s eyes narrowed. But Jae needed to hear it. He turned to Junsu. “And I don’t believe that you’ve apologized to Changmin yet for using him as part of your arsenal.”
Junsu grimaced. “Sorry sorry, Changmin. I was just really upset and-”
“It was worse that you made it seem like spending a night with me would be gross,” Changmin whispered.
Junsu got up from Yoochun’s lap and moved to Changmin’s chair. “I know, and I’m sorry. Jae was really irritating me and, well, I spoke before I thought about your feelings, and I’m really sorry.”
To Changmin’s surprise, Junsu hugged him, like really hugged him, like no one had hugged him in a long time. He didn’t wince or try to avoid his skin either. And he stayed hugging him until Changmin recovered from his shock and hugged him back.
“Thanks, hyung,” Changmin said. “I know you were just angry.”
“That’s not an excuse though,” Junsu said. “It won’t happen again.” Junsu pulled back, kissed Changmin’s cheek and then stood up. He laughed at Changmin’s surprised faced. “Your skin is getting tighter. I’m glad you’re eating enough now.”
“Jae?” Yunho said with an eyebrow raise.
Jae rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll try, but breaking a decades-long habit is going to be hard, so you can’t blame me if I slip.”
“That just gives you a loophole to do it,” Yoochun said.
Jae smirked.
Yunho sighed. “Good enough, but damn it, Jae, you better try or I’m going to be pissed.”
Jae shut his eyes. Fuck him and this stupid sudden need to try to get on Yunho’s good side. Jae nodded once.
Yunho let out a deep breath. “Okay. Are we good now?”
They muttered acknowledgments.
“Don’t everyone be too excited. Come on, let’s go finish this song.”
They ran into Sylver and Sahar in the lobby. Sahar blushed and couldn’t look at them.
“Hey, hyungs,” Sylver said.
“How are you feeling, Sahar?” Changmin asked.
Sahar looked up and then gaped for a moment. “Fine. I’m fine, Changmin oppa.”
Changmin smiled at her, and her knees shook. Changmin! Changmin oppa smiled at her! And talked to her!
“Good,” he said. “I was very worried about you.”
They exited the building. Even this early, there were fangirls waiting for them. Most shouted for Changmin and Jae, but there were a few Junsus being called.
“You haven’t seen Lexy around, have you?” Sylver asked.
“No,” Changmin said. “Not since Sahar was hurt. Can’t you call her?”
“I don’t know her number,” Sahar said, still breathless. “We always only met here to … to … “ She blushed again.
“To fangirl,” Changmin said with a smile.
Yunho and Yoochun exchanged glances. Was it possible that Tsuki had struck twice that night? Neither liked that possibility.
Sahar tugged at Sylver’s arm. “I’m going to be late.”
“Right,” Sylver said, and smiled. “Walking her to school.”
“Good,” Changmin said. “Thanks for protecting her.”
“Good bye, oppas,” Sahar said and grabbed Sylver’s hand. They walked away, and Changmin smiled when they didn’t let go of each other.
Yoochun waited until they were in the car and said, “Isn’t Lexy here every night?”
“Usually,” Changmin said. “I didn’t notice that she wasn’t here yesterday.”
Yunho said, “Last night was clear, though, right?”
Yoochun nodded. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Someone knows I’m here.”
“Why are you hiding?” Jae asked.
“None of your business,” Yoochun snapped.
“It’s my business if a vampire is suddenly going to dig fangs into my neck.”
“We won’t suck on faeries,” Yoochun said.
“Yoochun,” Yunho said as a warning.
“Not like that,” Yoochun said. “We can’t. They’re creatures of light. Pretty much made of sunlight. It fries us from the inside, especially the pretty ones. Jae’s blood would probably kill me in about five seconds.”
Jae smiled. “You think I’m pretty,” he crooned.
Yoochun rolled his eyes. “Way to take the important information out of that. Good job.”
“I did. You think I’m pretty.”
“You are pretty,” Yunho said. Silence fell. Jae’s mouth opened in shock. Yunho smirked at him. “Well, and then you open your mouth and start belittling everything around you. Stop doing that and you’d be damn near perfect.”
Jae scoffed and flipped his hair. “I am perfect, puppy.”
“Your coffee is.”
Their eyes met, and then Jae smiled and looked away.
“But, Yoochun, Junsu is a creature of light,” Changmin said with a frown.
“Yeah, but he’s not made of light like Jae is,” Yoochun replied.
“And you’re not sucking on him,” Jae said with a knowing glint in his eye, “because that would be illegal, right?”
“Right,” Yoochun said, but they all saw him blush, and Junsu laughed and curled closer to him.
When Changmin came out of the recording booth, the five creatures stared at each other. Not really in awe, but more in disbelief. They managed, for the last five hours to get their entire song recorded. Some music and beats were going to be added and then by the end of tomorrow, the thing would be done.
“Good job, guys,” Yunho said with a genuine smile. “I knew we could do it.”
“What now?” Changmin asked.
“Food,” Yunho said, “and then let’s get into a practice room and start choreographying this shit.”
“Choreographing,” Jae said.
“You knew what I meant, so who cares?”
Yunho led the way to the cafeteria. It was lunch time so most of the tables were full. Segregated. Werewolves, faeries, elves. One vampire sat by himself in the back, the other creatures giving him a wide berth. He met Yoochun’s eyes and nodded a greeting. There were a couple zombies around a table of food.
Yunho was the first to get his food. The full moon was less than a week away and his body started rejecting cooked meat and vegetables if he ate too much. He needed to hunt, could feel it in his bones and blood. He sat at the only empty table right in the middle of the room.
“Jaejoong!” another faerie called, and scooted over and patted the seat next to him.
Jae looked at Donghae, and then over at Yunho by himself. “I must be out of my mind,” he muttered, then shook his head at the table of faeries. “Maybe next time,” he shouted and then sat next to Yunho.
The entire cafeteria went quiet.
Yoochun dropped a tray full of food across from them, followed shortly by Junsu. The elves gasped when Junsu slid in close and said, “Let me feed you,” in that innocent voice of his.
Yoochun smiled and shook his head. He almost made a comment about already feeding from Junsu today and then said, “Maybe when there aren’t so many eyes on us.”
Junsu looked around the room and rolled his eyes.
Changmin, in all his innocence, dropped a laden tray on the table and ate. In between inhales, he said, “I can’t believe it, hyungs. We finally got it recorded. I’m really excited.”
“Me, too,” Yunho said.
“Me, too,” Jae echoed, but with a seductive drop in his voice. His leg pressed against Yunho’s under the table.
Yunho met his eyes for a moment, raised a single eyebrow and kept eating. He didn’t move his leg away. Jae stared at Yunho’s profile in muted shock.
“So,” Yoochun said, “what kind of dance are we putting to this?”
“How well can you guys dance?” Yunho asked. “Well, besides Junsu. He’s always kicked my butt in dance offs.”
“I’m okay,” Changmin said.
“I hate sweating,” Jaejoong muttered.
“Show me what to do and I can do it,” Yoochun said.
Yunho thought for a moment and then said to Junsu. “Should we go home and choreograph this first and come back tomorrow?”
“Sunlight,” Yoochun said. “We might as well just stay.”
They finished their lunch and got up to go. The cafeteria was quiet again. As they walked past the faerie table, Donghae stood up and grabbed Jae’s arm.
“What are you hanging around trash for, Jae?” he demanded.
Jae wrenched his arm away. He looked at where Donghae had touched him and curled his lip. He flicked a cleaning spell at his arm. The faeries gasped.
“That was unnecessary,” Leeteuk said.
“So was Donghae calling my friends trash,” Jae said back.
Siwon scoffed. “Friends?”
“Yeah, friends. You know, people you hang out with. People you talk to when you have problems. People you protect when others are being bigoted jackasses. Friends. And we’re pretty busy. So I’ll see you around.”
Jae draped an arm around Yunho’s shoulders, only to hear the inevitable gasps that followed, not for any other reason, and then led them out of the cafeteria.
Not that Yunho minded, but he did mind, a bit. He knew it was just to prove a point to the other faeries, but somehow his arm snaked around Jae’s waist. Not, like, tightly, but just there, like he would with one of his friends. And he did not shiver and get goosebumps when Jae’s wings caressed his arms. Touched! Touched his arm.
And when they were out of the cafeteria and walked down the halls, neither of them pulled away.
Jae flung open the door of the practice room, and not until it was shut did he pull away from Yunho. He raised a hand and threw lightning at one of the mirrors. It shattered. The tinkling of glass and Jae’s gasping breaths echoed for a few silent moments. Then Yunho took a deep breath and did something incredibly stupid.
He wanted to rant and rave and yell and demand that Jae grow up and fix the mirror and … but then he remembered why Jae was so upset.
He took Jae’s hand. “Friends, huh?”
Jae scoffed. He didn’t look up, but his lip curled into a smile. “Maybe eventually,” he finally whispered, “but I think I got my point across.”
“We’re going to start a creature war,” Yoochun said.
“Not our fault,” Changmin said. “It’s not like this was our idea.”
Yunho looked at each one of them and then said, “So do we bag it? Walk away from it? Or are we going to do this? I knew coming into it that it was going to suck having to lead you four.”
Their responses were guarded and Yunho smiled. “Luckily I was wrong. Y’all aren’t so bad, you know. Even you, you blood sucking vampire.”
“That’s illegal,” Yoochun said automatically.
And they all laughed.
“Come on,” Junsu said. “Let’s dance.”
“Don’t we need the recording?” Changmin asked.
“Naw,” Junsu said. “Right now we’re just going to learn what we all can do, and we know how the song goes enough to get some of the basics for it.”
The others moved across the room, but when Jae went to move, Yunho tugged him back. “You alright?” he whispered.
Jae smiled and squeezed his hand. With his free hand, he flicked a repair spell at the mirror. “Yeah, I guess. You’re not going to make me dance though are you?”
“Not right now. Go make yourself even more beautiful or something.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet to me.” Jae kissed his cheek briefly and then turned away before the werewolf could see the blush on his cheeks or the fear at being rejected. He could feel the stare, but no reprimand came, and Jae took a deep breath. He could do this. He always got what he wanted before. But a werewolf? Why did he want a werewolf?
Because he's Yunho, not just a werewolf.
God, he was crazy.
Yunho stared after him, frozen, a hand on his check, until Junsu said, “Hey, Fido, let’s dance.”
Yoochun and Jae sat against one of the walls of mirrors. They weren’t close enough to touch, but closer to each other than they would have been two weeks ago. Yoochun watched Junsu’s body wave and undulate and curve and pop and, damn he could just slide through these dance steps.
Jae watched Yunho’s body do the same thing, but his thoughts were different. What was the wolf playing at? Did he like him, like him? Or were they just friends? Were they even friends? But god, his body was fabulous.
“He has a girlfriend,” Yoochun suddenly whispered.
Jae scoffed. “He has a girl he’s been fucking for a few days. Hardly girlfriend status.”
“Point. And your humans?”
“They’re just humans,” Jae said and then cringed. “God, I hate having a conscience about stuff like this now.”
“I doubt Yunho’s gay, or even bi. Wolves aren’t like that. Very one-mate-for-life kind of creatures.”
Jae rolled his eyes. “I doubt he’s going to be mating with this cat for life.”
“Or a faerie. Look, he’s probably going to end up with some girl in his pack because of some type of status builder.”
“How do you know so much about it?”
“Vampires are the same way. That girl Tsuki wanted to be clan leader. She decided she needed a mate, and bam, guess who that was? Eventually we took over the clan. We were pretty powerful, ruling together and then she let it go to her head a bit, and I started pulling away from her. She started lying about me, and then suddenly the pack turned on me, and I was kicked out. Tsuki gave me a six hour head start and then sent the clan after me.”
“And it’s been twenty years?” Jae asked, remembering a bit from when the psycho girl had broken down the door.
“Yeah. It’s not that hard to hide from a disorganized clan.”
“So what do you think her purpose was in locating you?”
“Beyond just wanting me back, I have no idea.”
“Wanting you back?” Jae scoffed. “A little full of yourself there, Dracula.”
“Coming from the king of humility,” Yoochun said back.
Jaejoong laughter was enough to startle Junsu and Yunho still.
“What?” Yunho asked.
“Nothing,” Jae replied. “Dracula here thinks he’s funny.”
She waited, downwind, of course, and in the shadow of the building. They couldn’t be gone all day, and she didn’t dare break into their apartment. Only if need be.
Their car pulled up, and she shifted.
Patience. You can wait a bit longer.
The zombie was the first one out of the car. Her lip curled when the silly little fangirls swooned and cried out his name and snapped pictures of him.
The elf was next, followed by Yoochun. She snarled when they wrapped arms around each other. An elf? He was doing an elf? So, Tsuki had been right about that bit of information, but she’d also promised that Yoochun’s good nature would compel him to come back to the clan. Not threaten to kill them all.
And Yoochun needed to come back. He needed to come back and die like he should have twenty years ago.
The faerie met up with another faerie and two human girls. One launched herself at the faerie and kissed him repeatedly until he grabbed her arms, said something that broke her heart and held her at arm’s length. She followed him into the building, head down.
The werewolf was the last one into the apartment. He paused at the door, looked around, including toward her hiding spot and frowned. She saw his chest rise in a deep breath. Then he shook his head and went inside.
Always trust your instincts, wolf, because someone is always watching.
Chapter 11:
So are we going to celebrate or what? Chapter 9:
You’re incredibly sensitive for a vampire.Chapter 8:
A bit hypocritical, aren’t you, JaeChapter 7:
I thought it was illegal for you people to eat off humans.Chapter 6:
He’s our leader. He speaks for us.Chapter 5:
Scavengers, hunters, sneaky little things.Chapter 4:
Do you know what I want now?Chapter 3:
Jae waited for the three of them to swoon or something.Chapter 2:
Try not to touch me unless I allow it and I know your hands are clean.Chapter 1:
I swear if you three don’t shut up, I’m going to go vampire lord on all of your asses!” .