so basically heres my list of hate

Sep 24, 2005 21:10

MY list of HATE:

School and anything revolving around school(homework,teachers,schoolpictures etc.)

My home life ( parents, siblings, Not being able to go out, CHORES )

Lack of "good" food. (instead of all these shitty preservative filled "foods")

That I cant cook/bake.. I Really want a cake.. (LIZ!! I need you!!)

That im being a moody lamefaced girl.

My last roll of pictures didnt turn out too well..grr.

Im stuck at home on a saturday night.. - I blame the Rents for my unhappiness..

That im worrying about anything and everything right now..

♥MY list of LOVE♥: - wait that doesnt exist at the moment... well except..

This one person.

I declare tonight to be the worst saturday night of them all..
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