So umm....i might have sort of stolen something today. Allow me to explain.....
In my 27 years i have never stolen anything. At all. But today that all changed and all because of RPattz.
It was 2pm and i was bored, eyeing up the left over Halloween chocolate and eager to get out of the house. I decided to go in to town. I got in to my car and started the journey. But then i remembered, its sunday. I park in the pay and display car park on a sunday and i needed change. Fine, i decided to stop at a shop to get change and thats when i remembered. RPattz was on the front of the magazine that comes with The News of the World newspaper today. Awesome, i'd call at Morrisons, purchase my newspaper and get change. Two birds.
I arrive at Morrisons, i go to the Newspaper stand. But alas, there is no NOTW! Bad times. But out of the corner of my eye i spy the free magazine with RPattz on the cover. It must have been cast aside by a hard core NOTW buyer who has no time for the free glossy magazine. A conundrum.They have the free mag but not the paper. Surely i cant get one without the other? Or can i....?
I visit the drinks fridge to mull over my options. I decide to just buy the drink and and i'd get the paper in town. But then i think wait! what if there was a way i could get the RPattz mag without getting the NOTW?
I decide fuck it! I go back to the newspaper stand i pick up a copy of another newspaper AND the free NOTW mag and i stealthily slip it inside the random newspaper. I calmly approach the kiosk and i pay. I get my change, my magaizine AND i didnt have to give any money to the hate mongers that print the NOTW. WIN!!!! .
As far as crimes go, its not the worst but for those few short moments while i paid i wont lie, i was nervous!