Promptathon is heeeeeeeeeeeeeere!

Jul 13, 2012 14:39

The Good Ship C/N Promptathon
of Magic and Joy: Aka, The Promptathon of All Wonderful Things Involving Two Certain Badass Assassin People Doing Badass Things and Being Awesome. And Badass. And Pretty. And Stuff.

NOTE: The promptathon has now closed, but please enjoy all the lovely fic and fanworks. in our Masterposts below.

Master List of all Promptathon fanworks.

Master List, Part 2 now with more delicious everything!

**Many thanks to rayruzfor the beautiful graphic.



Welcome!!!! The time is now upon us. This will kick off a month's worth of prompting and fanworking and all the good things. Not sure what to do? Click below for our handy-dandy Promptathon Guide!

(please read before you post! <3)

The Rules.  Just follow these three easy steps!

1. Leave a Prompt.
Prompts can be anything--simple or elaborate, words or pictures, songs or poems, lyrics or phrases. Anything that, to you, inspires a C/N fanwork. Use your imagination. Go crazy. All I ask is that you keep it tasteful and warn for anything explicit or triggery. Also, try to be as specific as you can with your prompts--this is often very helpful to those creating the fanwork.

And leave as many prompts as you want. I’m serious. Keep coming back, y’all. We want all the prompts we can possibly get Also, be sure to leave each prompt as a separate comment.

2. Wait a week.
Tailgate and chitchat and keep leaving prompts. And mull over the epic fanworks you are creating.

3. Submit C/N fanwork like there is no tomorrow.
All submissions should either be posted here or linked to this post via a comment. The nitty gritty details of posting your stuff can be found HERE. Please read before you post

Prompts will be accepted starting today, Friday, July 13th (!!!) and will remain open until Friday, August 10th.  Submissions may be submitted beginning on Friday, July 20th and may continue to be submitted until August 10th.

What we hope to accomplish with all this promptathon-iness:
  • A chance to get in the game. Been wanting to jump into the C/N fanwork scene but not sure where to start? Now’s the time. There’s no length requirement on the works submitted, you can focus on drabbles and vidlets and short and sweet projects (or do longer more epic stuff if that strikes your fancy as well).  It’s really entirely up to you. We’re just hoping to provide a fun, no-pressure environment.
  • Meet new and awesome people. Because srsly, I love everyone in this bar. It's a good damn bar. Don't be afraid to say hello
  • Ship like you’ve never shipped before.
  • Tailgate when appropriate. My motto is, if something ain’t a cocktail party, you just aren’t trying hard enough. In that spirit, aurora_0811and I are hosting the tailgate section (which I think at this point just includes random chatter and ridiculousness, cheerleading and tomfoolery, because I doubt our comm’s talkative nature will be suppressed even during the prompting/waiting period.) So pull up a helicarrier-shaped lawnchair, crack open a cold one and settle in for the festivities. And leave prompts.
And most of all, have fun. :)

promptathon, really important stuff

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