posted on LJ our community has moved to Dreamwidth. We will be maintaing a presence on LJ with a monthly news and links post. We will ONLY be accepting posts on the Dreamwidth version of the site. The only new content on the LJ version will be a monthly news/updates post with links to activity happening on Dreamwidth. Please see
HERE for further information.
Welcome and Rules Post has been updated and reposted to Dreamwidth. Please take a moment to read (or reread) those. If you have any questions message a mod :)
ALL THE THINGS FRIDAY: is available for your weekend entertainment. There's a new
sign up post HERE where you can sign up, make suggestions, and see what's coming next. If there's anything you'd like to see on the comm, we'd love to hear from you.
happening over HERE. It's a weekend-long, happy 4th birthday and happy Dreamwidth move day party and YOU are invited!
COMMUNITY BANNER: This month's is a classic Avengers pose from . We'd love some new banners for our shiny new comm! Send them in to
A couple of things to note:
1) Everyone is invited to play, seriously, everyone!
2) Banners must be safe for work.
3) Banners must have a width of 800 and a height of 350 and preferably be a png or jpg file.
4) When new films etc come out please don’t use images that could be spoilers until general DVD release. (If you want to use something and you're not sure if it counts as a spoiler or not, PM me or email.)
5) Banners should contain both Clint and Natasha.
IN THE WIDER WORLD WEB: Have you seen Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2 yet?!
Any challenge/events happening online? Got recs? Anything else relevant to our interests? Let us know in the comments!