ATTF: Three Sentences OR 100 Words

Jul 22, 2016 14:00

It’s almost - almost - time for this year’s SUMMER PROMPTATHON! (No, really, SOON. EXCITEMENT!) So we’re warming up those prompting brain cells and writing muscles for this week’s All The Things Friday in anticipation of the main event.

Here’s how this works: comment to this post with a prompt. As many times as you like. People can then fill those prompts, but only with fics that are three sentences long OR exactly 100 words long OR a graphic containing 140 characters or less.

You can get creative with what three sentences look like or be precise with 100 words. You can write in installments of three sentences or 100 words. You can fill as many prompts as you like, the same prompt can be filled multiple times, and you can even write fills in response to other people's fills to create round robin or chain fics. We're open to creativity, but the aim of the game is three sentences OR 100 words OR 140 characters in a graphic - choose your challenge!

We’re going to wrap this up before promptathon, so this ends at midnight on Sunday, whenever midnight is in your time zone. The usual community rules apply and the usual community theme - which is that we love all things Natasha and Clint, with each other, other people, threesomes, in gen fic, you know how we roll.

Happy Friday :)

PS. If anyone would like to make a summer or promptathon themed community banner for August check out a monthly news post for the guidelines, send them in to, and you will receive CAPSLOCK APPRECIATION and virtual hugs from me!

Things to remember:
1) Always label NSFW (Not Safe For Work) stuff in the title and post under a cut.
2) Fic and artwork needs to have a rating and warnings (or you can say that you’ve chosen not to use warnings).
3) For people with annoying internet connections, say in the title if a comment is graphic/images/gif-heavy and post picspams under a cut.
4) Have a damn good time! (Because if that’s not happening then this post has clearly failed.)

prompts are a thing we do, all the things friday, fic

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