ATTF: Drabble Challenge

Apr 22, 2016 08:45

Today's challenge is a drabble challenge. I'm a purist who can't resist drabbles which are exactly 100 words long, but realize that there are lots of people out there who aren't, so any super short ficlet of 300 or less words would work here. (But you get bonus pionts if you DO keep your drabbles to exactly 100 words! And my unending admiration, which, not gonna lie, you probably already have. :))

How can you participate?
Leave a prompt! Write a drabble from a prompt! Or, to make it even more interesting, use the last line of someone else's drabble as the first line of yours! It doesn't need to be a continuation - although it could be - but merely an interesting new prompt/starting point. (This is shamelessly stolen from Giles-Shorts.)

Also, stealing rules from previous posts --
1) The usual community rules apply and the usual community theme - which is that we love all things Natasha and Clint, with each other, other people, threesomes, in gen fic,
2) Always label NSFW (Not Safe For Work) stuff in the title and post under a cut.
3) Have a damn good time! (Because if that’s not happening then this post has clearly failed.)


all the things friday

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