This is a little off-topic but I thought that this would be a really interesting topic to discuss. So, members of this great bar, do you think that Marvel should also follow in Deadpool's footsteps and start to make R movies?
Yeah I think that it'd honestly not fit the tone of what Marvel is doing with movies if they followed in the footsteps of Deadpool. They have their R rated material on Netflix.
But like if we were to get a Clintasha movie well let's just say I wouldn't mind if it were R ;P
Of course, like others have pointed out, the story doesn't need to be rated R, that's where fanfic comes in, but if they really wanted to go that way to follow the trend I would want a little more bang for my buck.
But like if we were to get a Clintasha movie well let's just say I wouldn't mind if it were R ;P
Heee! I am 12. Also got stuck on the wall fucking comment prior... ;)
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