Happy New Year 2016!
COMMUNITY BANNER: New Year, new banner! This classy one is by
perpetuations. We're always after new banners to keep things prettyful and interesting (and so we can tell that the month has changed *grins*) so if you feel inspired please send them in to be_compromised@hotmail.com
A few rules for new banners...
1) Everyone is invited to play, seriously, everyone!
2) Banners must be safe for work.
3) Banners must have a width of 800 and a height of 350 and preferably be a png or jpg file.
4) When new films etc come out please don’t use images that could be spoilers until general DVD release. (If you want to use something and you're not sure if it counts as a spoiler or not, PM me or email.)
5) Banners should contain both Clint and Natasha.
SECRET SANTA: The Masterlist is
over here. Perfect for people like me who're just getting around to reading the goodies :)
comicstore_news has a
Special Yuletide Edition of their newsletter that may contain fics relevant to our interests. The
Black Widow: Forever Red novel is now available for reading (spoiler: it's good). And i'm sure there's been other holiday exchanges and things - rec us some! It'd be lovely to see more recs!
NEW YEAR IDEAS: Is there anything new you'd like to see happening in the bar for 2016? Anything we've done before that you'd like to see again? Let us know :)