for sgteam14283: The Christmas Party

Dec 24, 2015 12:00

A Gift From: esgeee
Type Of Gift: Fic
Title: The Christmas Party
A Gift For: sgteam14283
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary/Prompt Used: Clint and Natasha host Christmas party. Natasha has to remind Clint to hide the weapons since they are undercover spies.
Author's Note: Hope you like this little story about Clint and Natasha! I did change the prompt a little but it's still very similar. And yeah, I didn't really change their names when they're talking to each other cause I'm lazy but assume they have different names when mingling with their lovely neighbors (because they don't really do that in this story).
Also, since I'm in denial, this is not compliant with AOU so yes, Clint and Nat are together :)

banner by esgeee

Natasha glanced around the house that was now her and Clint's new starter home. Ever since they finally gave into the attraction and became a couple, somehow, they were assigned to more and more missions where they were playing an undercover couple. Yes, being "married" did have its perks - the large home in Connecticut a few hours away from New York was cozy and warm, especially during Christmas time. But unfortunately, living in a beautiful home in a large, active neighborhood brought some downsides to her plan of staying far away from non-assassins looking to destroy the world (those morons; they should know that Clint and she would get them at some point) - they actually had to socialize.
A month or so before Christmas, decorations started going up and Clint also put up some icicle lights and a blow-up Santa. Then, the invitations started pouring in. There was a flyer for a block party and then, a nice neighbor brought over cookies and subtly brought up the party. Because he just couldn't say no to the sweet woman (and really wanted the cookies), Clint agreed to attend the party.
After showing up to the party, Natasha and Clint were somehow convinced to throw the neighborhood Christmas party at their home. Some blond had cheerily said, "there is no better way to christen a new home than to throw a party!" Clint had then whispered, "we could've had sex." Of course, as partners, they would never have sex during a mission but they could bend the rules this time - needless to say, the house was well-christened that night. However, as well as the homecoming had been, they still were in charge of a Christmas party. Although Natasha tried to back out the day after the block party, nobody was budging. She, a spy, had to host a party. She really was investing too much into this undercover job.
The day before the party, Natasha cleaned the entire house, from ceiling to floor. Although a spy, she was no genius at the whole housekeeping thing so after cleaning, she passed out on the bed, completely wiped out. When Clint found her later, he couldn't help but laugh. "Wow," he had said with a smirk, "I now know something that the great Natasha Romanoff cannot do. Looks like being able to kill a man with your thighs didn't really help you today."
Natasha groaned. That stupid little rumor (or was it really a rumor?) would always be the bane of her existence. "Do you want to be killed by my thighs?" she asked him. "I like you alive but I can always harm you, Barton. Remember that the next time you make fun of my domestic skills."
"You know I'm kidding." Clint dropped a kiss onto Nat's cheek. "How about I make dinner?"
"Yes please. I can't wait to become a spy again. Thank goodness I don't have to cook."
"You do realize that we signed up to bake ten pies, right honey?"
"DAMN IT." Natasha punched her pillow loudly. "Why did we even try to mingle with the neighbors? Next time, we're not talking to anyone."
The flour was all over the floor, sugar was spilling out of the bag, and Natasha was having the time of her life. Sure, she had no idea how to bake anything but just the sheer enjoyment of making a mess was enough to make her giddy. She would have to pick up baking once they returned back to New York. Baking was just so therapeutic … And although she was always on a diet, she could definitely work the fat off later - she might as well take advantage of the very long training sessions.
Clint popped a small cookie into his mouth as he wandered into the kitchen. "These are actually half-way decent Nat," he praised.
"Thanks." She beamed with pride. "The first batch of pies is baking. I think people will actually be able to consume them!"
"That's the spirit. Quick question; who's cleaning up your mess?"
Nat laughed. "You are. I cooked so you can clean."
"Fine." Clint leaned over and snagged another cookie. "But, I'll grab a few of these as my compensation. He yelped when Natasha attempted the whack him with a spatula. "Okay, I won't take any!" Before any more damage could be inflicted on him, he ran out of the room.
Somehow, although she had burned the first batch of apple pies, Natasha managed to finish baking three dozen cookies and the ten apple pies and neatly set them on the dining room table. She took a minute to admire the pies and her cookies and then glanced at the clock. It was already five past six and everyone was supposed to be arriving at 6:30.
"Clint!" she yelled. "Clean the kitchen! Everyone will be here in less than a half an hour."
Clint tossed aside the gun he was cleaning and yelled back an affirmative. He ambled out of the living room and gasped once he walked into the kitchen. It was a complete disaster and he didn't even know where to start. Grumbling under his breath, he grabbed a dustpan and started to sweep up the flour off the ground.
"Hi!" Natasha smiled as she opened up the door to her first guests. "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas to you too, Megan," the brunette said, calling Nat by her cover name. The brunette, Angela, and her husband, Nate, walked into the foyer and glanced around. "This is a beautiful house."
"Thank you so much," Nat replied. "It's quite a pain to clean but we just love it so much. We can't wait to grow into it."
"Where would you like me to place the pasta?" Angela asked. "Do you have a table set up?"
"Yes, in the dining room." Natasha glanced into the living room, looking for Clint to show the couple the dining room and spotted the gun. Shit, the guns. Between the two of them, Clint and she had about ten to twenty weapons hidden around the house. "Just wait one second. Let me introduce you to my husband before we go put that away." Natasha grabbed the dish and called out, "Clint, hey, come downstairs for a minute!"
Clint came down the stairs and grinned at the couple. He extended out a hand and shook Nate's hand. "I'm Clint; very nice to meet you." He caught Nat's warning symbol and then gestured towards the bar. "Please, help yourselves to a drink. We'll be with you in just a second. I must've forgotten to do something." He laughed and nodded to Nate. "We husbands can never get anything right."
Once Angela and Nate had gone off, he glanced at Natasha. "What's up?"

"We forgot about the weapons!! You even left one in the living room." Natasha gulped. "We can explain one or two weapons but ten? I don't think so."
"I'll take care of it," Clint assured her. Once she was back with the guests, he ran into the living room and grabbed the Glock and stuck it into his boot. Then, he rounded up the rest of the weapons. Some were already hidden in very safe places but two pistols were shoved into a pillowcase. Yes, it was probably the worst idea but there was no way he could go and bury the two pistols into the ground. He took the pillowcase and shoved it into the back of the linen closet, in between two heavy blankets. It would have to do.
He walked back downstairs calmly and smiled at Nat. "I took care of the mess in the office, honey," he told her. "I'm free for the rest of the night."

secret santa 2015

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