ATTF: Team Delta Assemble!

Nov 27, 2015 19:47

So it’s that time of year when there just seems like so much to do, am I right? There’s that Secret Santa deadline on December 6th (there’s a submission post and email coming soon), time is fast running out for those doing NaNoWriMo, there the other fics and creative works - all the unfinished ones, and the in progress ones, and the ones that you really wanted to finish by the end of 2015 which is, argh, only a month away - and then there’s all the holiday preparations and shopping…and work/school, whoops, can’t forget about that ;)

Which means it’s that time of year when we could all do with some cheerleading, hugs, and encouragement.

Reply to this post with something you’d like encouragement on. If it’s your Secret Santa, tell us how that’s going, if you need a beta, if you need someone to hash ideas out with, or just someone to stand at the finish line waving like mad. (Remember Secret Santa is anonymous, but feel free to continue chats in more detail by PM etc.) Tell us how crazy your NaNoWriMo novel has gotten and if you need some even more crazy ideas to get it done. Post a bit of a stubborn work in progress. Ask for holiday gift ideas. Ask for a group hug.

‘Cause we’re here to help each other out! Let’s wrangle plots, offer beta help, cheerlead each other on, group hug, post drabbles of encouragement and pretty pictures of Assassins telling each other that WE CAN DO IT.

Because you can. Because this is the best bar!

this is the very best bar, all the things friday

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