Secret Santa: Choices Post

Oct 12, 2015 00:40

Okay folks, here's how this works: below is an anonymised list of what people have said they would like to receive as a gift in the Secret Santa exchange. People taking part reply to this post with a comment - which will be screened - saying what their FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD choices would be for which request they'd like to write for. We will then use these choices to help match people up.

For example:
FIRST: twenty-four
SECOND: three
THIRD: sixteen

A few things:
- you're not guaranteed your choices, but we will be using these to match you up as best we can and keeping to your choices as much as possible
- you have until 18:00 GMT Thursday 15th October to comment with your choices or we'll match you up without one.
- your match will be sent to you by the end of the week by email, so please check your emails including your spam folder for anything that comes from and let us know if you don't receive anything by Monday.

And onwards to the main event...


Gift Type: fic

Prompts: Clint(Army/Marine)/Natasha(Singer) marriage, Clint(Homeless)/Natasha(Wedding Planner), Clint(baseball player/Natasha(school teacher),Clint(firefighter)/Natasha(EMT), Clint(detective)/Natasha(nurse), Clint(stripper)/Natasha(School teacher), Clint(doctor)/Natasha(patient)

Yes please: erotic, cuddling, kissing, other characters

No thank you: rape, underage, incest, bloodplay, knife play

Post Age of Ultron Preference: no canon at all


Gift Type: Fan fic or Fanmix

1) The fallout from the Loki incident causes Clint and Laura to divorce. Clint goes to Natasha to pick up the pieces.
2) Clint and Natasha go on a mission with Phil Coulson and Melinda May.
3) Clint and Natasha goes undercover of a BDSM club and tries out a few different kinks.
4) Natasha, never thought she would get Pregnant. So she's rather surprised when a checkup turned out she was.
5) Clint and Natasha claim they are just friends, Kate Bishop however knows they are full of shit.
6) Clint gets kidnapped and Natasha Bends heaven and hell to save him.

Yes please: BDSM, FemDom, Hurt/Comfort, Comfort Sex, Humor, Fluff, Canon Fix it, Any interaction with Coulson and May, Deaf!Clint, Happy Endings, AUS Basically anything that could put me in a good mood.

No thank you: Death, Scat Play, Uh Fics that don't end on a happy note

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Canon Denial or Canon divergent


Gift Type: Fic

1. Soulmates - So many versions - words on your skin; suddenly you see color; your skin tingles; TiMERs; you touch and get pictures/tattoos on your skin, the list goes on... I especially get a kick out of it when they fight against it tooth and nail but eventually have to admit that yeah, the universe is probably right.
2. Fake relationship leads to more. This can be for a mission, to shut people up at SHIELD (pre-Winter Soldier), to appease the folks in the Tower - anything really. It’s always fun when make-believe turns into reality.
3. She likes him first. Most fics have him as the one to have the epiphany. It’s always entertaining when she has it first, although I would really love to see one where he genuinely never expected her to like him that way so he never bothered to consider it as a possibility. He is therefore completely surprised.
4. High School AUs - hey, some people hate ‘em. I don’t! I like it best, of course, when they’re kept as in character as possible (but that’s pretty much any AU - I think I mention it here b/c high school AUs seem to be either REALLY in character or REALLY not. Hey, we try!)
5. Pacific Rim AU - there just aren’t enough in the world.
6. Outsider POV - I find it fascinating how others see them.

Yes please: Great kisses; them against the world; Coulson is a BAMF handler

No thank you: Laura Barton; MPreg; A/B/O; smut; angst; slash

Post Age of Ultron Preference: canon divergent or canon denial, please. I’ve read other but prefer my fic with a side of Egypt. :-)


Gift Type: Fic please, or art, but I'm not super into fanmixes or icons

1. Clint/Natasha/whoever, you can follow the prompt and go Bucky or Tony, or just do whoever; call this, like, a reprompt (idk how to do this properly on a kinkmeme so here you go :p). I don't mind who is asexual.
2. AU where you work, or go to school, or live, or of a hobby you have! If I get Clint and Tasha the goths who hang out at the video store in Colorado, cool, as long as it's got real details from your life.
3. Soulmark AU of some sort: Challenge: it's not the person's first words, or last words, or their name. It's something else. Second Challenge: Fitting each other or romantic love or relationship are not guaranteed by any means.
4. Friends, established relationship, w/e, but the point of the prompt is not a getting together fic, so: Sex pollen or a spell happens. Halfway through the ensuing sex, the enchantment wears off. Cue: two sticky, unhappy people unsure how to end this thing with dignity. Up to you whether this is first time sex for these two, but please don't make it too heavy on the angst or non-con, and keep the two pretty much equal as victims of the spell.
5. And another bad-sex one :) In a moment of playful passion, character A pins/ties character B to the bed/floor/wall/miscellaneous sexing surface. Character B freaks out, breaks free and causes character B serious injury before snapping out of it.
6. If you write a sedoretu fic I will straight up marry you.
Vaguer options: Body image issues, open or poly relationships, I totally dig sports AUs. Also, I really like seeing unusual takes on the character/s, so that's open-ended I guess. Also, I really adore two-sided miscommunications, like when characters are having an argument, or one overhears a convo that means one thing to one side and something totally different to the other.

Yes please: Happy ending, whatever rating you want and whatever kinks or universe is cool too, team fun is fun but not necessary, funny would be cool but not necessary.

No thank you: Instantaneous or inexplicably fast attraction/relationship/sex upon meeting. Mental torture or extensive physical torture without HC. I like it as a plot point, but I care more about the characters than the acts themselves, so focus on the former, por favor.

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Whatever floats your boat. Most of the time, I'd probs go with ignoring the farm, as most of my prompts are more shippy, but I am completely open to polyamory (AND SEDORETU) so if the farm fam fits, put 'em in!


Gift Type: Fic, please!

1. Clint Barton vs the Bureaucracy. This time, it will be to the pain.
2. "Here's what you should know." Clint's exes (Bobbi, Melinda, Jessica ... take your pick, add as you wish) have a heart-to-heart with Natasha. (Optional/bonus: Natasha has no idea why they would think this is necessary.)
3. Natasha prefers solo missions. They don't call her the Black Widow for nothing.... (AKA Five Times Natasha Romanoff resents being saddled with a partner -- and one time ...)
4. The [guy on the helicarrier][clerk from accounting][junior agent] has had a crush on Agent Barton for a very long time. Then Barton brings in Romanoff.
5. Tony Stark is as baffled as the rest of the team. "How come I didn't know you were married? I thought you and Romanoff were a thing."
6. Whatever has been on your mind for some time, and awaiting the right time to get written (including that AU that's been niggling at you).

Yes please: Snark, banter; (realistic) mission fic; team shenanigans; third party POV; sexytimes; mild angst; friends-to-lovers;

No thank you: baby!fic (Barton kids are ok); graphic violence/torture/non-con; dS except in (mild) consensual play; Bucky Barnes (especially Bucky/Nat); Bruce/Nat.

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I'm easy. I prefer Clint/Nat straight up, but have no theological objection to Laura's existence (before, present or after). No threesomes though, please. And Bruce/Nat? Was never a thing, because.


Gift Type: Fic

Prompts: I'm really up for anything but here's a handful of ideas: Blind!Clint; 1950s Mafia AU; unrequited-love!Natasha in which Laura and Clint are married and Natasha is in no way, shape, or form in love with Clint, herself; "You and I both know we’ve always secretly wondered who would win if we ever got into a real fight”; Barton looked about ready to throw a punch or pull his gun, whichever would be quicker; Natasha goes underground at the Barton farm after the fall of SHIELD.

Yes please: Again, up for anything, but especially love: Avengers team bonding, angst and raw emotion, mission!fic, as many character cameos as possible, amusing banter, early SHIELD days (recruitment, becoming partners, learning to trust each other), well-disguised sexual tension, hurt/comfort

No thank you: Please no polygamy, non-con, other sexual violence, porn, torture with no apparent plot development, or excessive coarse language. Also, I'm not too familiar with the comics so movie-verse is preferred but not required.

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Really doesn't matter :)


Gift Type: Fic

- A christmas party in which everyone somehow ends up in compromising positions - especially Clint and Natasha.
- Clint and Natasha spend Christmas alone (with their kids maybe? I love kid!fics) in attempts to avoid the rest of the Avengers. What happens next? Do they succeed or do they end up back with the rest of the gang?
- anything Chrismas-y that involved domestic fluff since this is my absolute favorite trope EVER.

Yes please: Fluff, kid!fics, domestic stuff, all the avengers bonding, banter, comedy

No thank you: gory blood scenes since I can't imagine that in a Christmas fic, tragedy, Tony paired with anybody other than Pepper because I ship that

Post Age of Ultron Preference: UGH. I still haven't seen this. So, I'd prefer there not to be spoils but if there are, I wouldn't even know so that's up to you. Based on my prompts, I'm sure you can imagine that I'd prefer not to see Clint with Laura but I wouldn't mind them to be divorced or not involved.


Gift Type: Either, but if a gift basket, would prefer art or Fannie

1. Five times they went into a fight without telling each other how they really felt, and one time they did
2. 'I'd never thought I'd find myself here, in the same damn place and a different year'
3. Their relationship is a complicated series of almosts but never actually is.
4. Natasha and Clint have a habit of taking people under their wing and rehabilitating them. Sometimes this includes taking them to bed.

Yes please: I love me some angst, so yeah. I also like snark Okay with sex, but most kinks don't do much for me I really like the idea of Steve/Nat BROTP for life but inclusion of other Avengers is fine too. I am also fine with a well written character death, and AUs are awesome.

No thank you: PWP, not into werewolves/vampires, I'd prefer to keep it simple and ignore Age of Ultron (see below)

Post Age of Ultron Preference:Canon denial/divergent or AU


Gift Type: Fic

- Anything that includes a story of Auntie Nat -- I just really love Auntie Nat and Natasha having a found family (bonus points for including Wanda in some way, because I adore the Wanda mentorship thing that AoU gave us)
- Early 1900's AU, your choice of setting and place (ideally 1920's-1960's would be fun, but go wild!)
- There's love...and then there's love. Natasha's never known either, because no one's ever showed her (Natasha/Clint, Natasha/Clint/team bonding, your choice)
- The story of their relationship over the years, as told in letters and codes -- because assassins are nothing if unconventional when it comes to sharing feelings
- A different version of a different which weapons of choice are also reversed and Natasha shoots with Clint's bow
- Anything that strikes your fancy! I'm generally pretty easygoing and I love my OTP, surprise me!

Yes please: Banter/snark, hurt/comfort, angst, found family, BDSM, sexytimes, AUs, inclusion of other YA people or comic things (esp Kate Bishop my baaaabe), mission fic, team shenanigan times

No thank you: PWP, super duper fluff (I'm okay with kid!fic if it's Clint and Laura and Nat and the Barton family, but that's it), major character death (no Laura or kids character death, please, if you choose to include her in a story, and no making her insignificant.)

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Basically everything in AoU is a go except BruceNat. I love Laura. I love the kids. I love Clint's family. I love Clint/Laura/Nat and HELL YES to OT3s and poly relationships, GIMMIE. I love Clint and Nat's relationship as BFFs as it was presented (though obviously I'm still all about Clint and Nat romantically, too.) Essentially, totally super cool with anything regarding AoU except BruceNat. If you want to do vague denial, I'm totally fine with that, too, just don't kill the family or something.


Gift Type: Fic

1. Olympics! Archer Clint meets fencer Natasha. How about the rest of the Avengers? Fun and fluffy.
2. Clint runs a cat cafe (Lucky is great with cats) and Natasha just wants a cup of coffee and some peace and quiet.
3. O lord can you see my thick skin wearing thin
And the demons of a lesser me are beckoning me in
Those who gathered'round me - I'm watching them all leave
Cause I am my own ragged company - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, "Ragged Company"
4. Crossover with Rick and Evie from "The Mummy"
5. Snowed-in at a small cabin in the mountains. How ever will they pass the time?

Yes please: Cuddles, fluff, smut, banter, missionfic, the Avengers as found family, badassery,Team Delta

No thank you: grimdark, character death, A/O, mpreg, Clint/Coulson

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I'm fine with pretending Age of Ultron doesn't exist.


Gift Type: fic or graphic/art

Prompts: Clint and Natasha, a cabin, and a woodland creature; fire, ice, and a whole lot of kissing; vacation, game night, and a "brilliant" idea; someone will remember us in another time

Yes please: can be nsfw, kissing, fluff, angst, gritty romance, AUs if you so choose

No thank you: no noncon/dubcon, graphic descriptions of violence/gore, graduation didn't happen the way AoU claims

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Pietro is alive, Laura either exists as the past or in a poly relationship, but you might as well just avoid AoU


Gift Type: Fic

Prompts: Any type of AU (especially a historical one), Clint/Nat at SHIELD before the Avengers, and backstory!Nat and Clint with circus!Clint and red room!Natasha.

Yes please: KATE. KATE BISHOP!, lucky, sassy clint and natasha, loads of pizza, history history, a little fluff, a lot of random other characters (such as the x-men)

No thank you: Nothing explicit (no smut please)

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Canon divergent/no canon


Gift Type: Fic

- The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. Eden Phillpotts - A Shadow Passes
- Mission fic. I have a craving.
- The terrible things that happened to you didn't make you you. You always were.
- Clint and Natasha are epic nerds who 'meet' online first and chat for ages before finally meeting in person at a con. Bonus points for them being in costume and them not actually finding out what the other looks like until the evening.

Yes please: pre-AOU, AUs, found family, friends, awesome ladies, Hawkguy fusions, bisexuality, America Chavez/Kate Bishop

No thank you: non-con/ABO/all those heavy things that I've honestly never seen in this place, kid!fic, curtain!fic, Coulson!lives, Clint/Laura

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I lean toward pretending it never happened, but I'll take threesome fic because I'll always take threesome fic. :P


Gift Type: fic or gift basket, please

1. Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic AU.
2. Avengers domestic hijinks. The team is perfectly capable of saving the world together, but when it comes to community fridge management or who used the last of the toilet paper, they just might kill one another. You choose whether this is the original team or the new one, I'll love either!
3. Something involving sharing body heat. (The holidays/fall weather change always makes me want this!)
4. Anything about Natasha's adjustment to co-leading the new team. Could be Clint supporting her, could be her changing camaraderie with Steve, could be Nat kicking lots of ass in spite of self-doubts. Or something else entirely! I just want to know ALL THE THINGS about Nat leading the new Avengers.
5. Any kind of PWP or hurt/comfort (or both).
6. Surprise me! I'm terrible at coming up with prompts. >.<

Yes please: Natasha coming to S.H.I.E.L.D., PWP, hurt/comfort, banter, UST, mission!fic, competent assassins being incredibly competent, Natasha and the Barton family or Clint/Nat/Laura OT3 if you're so inclined

No thank you: Clint/Coulson, Loki in any capacity other than villain, A/B/O, MPREG, incest, non-con/dub-con, baby!fic, love triangles, killing or demonizing Clint's AoU family

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Canon-compliant or vague denial, please. I'm fine with it if you want to write a 'verse where Laura and the kids never existed, but please don't kill them, demonize them, or write me a love triangle. I'm totally cool with polyamory, too, if that's your thing.


Gift Type: Either

Prompts: 1. We are stronger here together than we could ever be alone. 2. But if my silence made you leave, then that would be my worst mistake. 3. You don't know what you've got until the bad guys (almost) take it away.

Yes please: Romance while keeping our spies in character; building up to that moment of realization of being in love; mission fic is very cool; team (including Pepper and/or AoS) fic is awesome; MCU and comics are fair game. (Music preference, if applicable: hard rock, classic rock, 80s and modern alt rock)

No thank you: No character death

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I am in complete canon denial. I don't mind Laura as a secondary character and Ultron and the twins can exist, but clintasha is why I'm here.


Gift Type: Fic, please

1. "I'm sorry"... How she hated those words in his mouth. Everything was her fault: her sources double-crossed them and the simple meeting in a car park ended up in gunfight and -his- blood all over the ground, the mark disappearing with the briefcase. She silently swore to rip the heart (and probably some other useless organs) out of this mark.
2. Clint is a cat burglar, the best there is (he's trained in the circus, after all). Natasha is a federal agent sent after him, the best there is. He saves her life when some bad guys try to jump her when she almost has him cornered. Noses are broken, including Clint's when Natasha slams her elbow in his face. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship/relationship.
3. Ladyhawke AU - A curse by someone jealous of their true love (and wanting one of them for their own) turns Clint into a hawk by day and Nat into a wolf (or big cat, your choice) by night. They flee to keep the other safe and try to find a way to get back to their true form.
4. Notting Hill AU - Can't you just see bookstore owner Clint fall for movie star Nat? And her falling right back for his unassuming, sarcastic self? And all his friends that he calls The Avengers rooting for them?
5. Leverage Crossover - I keep thinking she'd be the most amazing grifter and he'd be a great thief and with Parker as the new mastermind, wouldn't the team need a new one of both? And if they were in an alternate universe where they discovered SHIELD's link to HYDRA, wouldn't they be looking for new employment?
6. Person of Interest AU - In which Clint and Natasha are the operatives, saving people who The Machine (Jarvis?) deemed in danger/a danger. I could see Bruce as the man behind the Machine, with Tony being the public face of the company. So many possibilities to include everyone :)

Yes please: H/C, angst, fluff, action, adventure, slow burn, soulmates, anything AU (I watch a ridiculous amount of TV and movies, you can't really go wrong), smut, polyamory is fine with me

No thank you: A/B/O dynamics, non-con, dub-con, character death, Clint/Coulson (power imbalance in relationships squicks me)

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I really don’t mind - writer’s choice! (but please don't kill Laura just for the sake of Clint and Nat being together, I like her :))


Gift Type: either fic or gift basket

1. Clint and Natasha are snowed in, how do they pass time?
2. Fake!Married while undercover-Clint throws a block party and Natasha has to remind him to hide the weapons
3. Clint's hearing aids get knocked out during combat and has to rely on Nat for signals/Avenger orders
4. from Halsey's Gasoline
You are not a human being
I think there's a fault in my code
These voices won't leave me alone
How do Clint and Natasha deal with the Red Room haunting her steps?

Yes please: Feel free to include comics/mcu/marvel television shows/steve rogers/pretty much anything

No thank you: not a fan of stony/frostiron/tony/bruce,

Post Age of Ultron Preference: canon murky (laura exsists but isn't with clint)


Gift Type: Fic, please, or art.

1) Pretty much any AU under the sun. Con artists? Yes, please. Coffee shops? Less please. Space pirates? You has my attention. Mundane office AU? I will still love it. I just like seeing the characters removed from their original setting and put in another one.
2) Hawkeye is not allowed anywhere near the dunking booth at SHIELD’s annual fair. This means working it or buying out every ball during Natasha’s session.
3) Mission downtime and their favorite places because of it.
4) Why say I love you when you can say “On your six?”

Yes please: Banter, being friends, more gen than shippy, loyalty, Kate Bishop (really, all the ladies), action, hilarity, competence.

No thank you: Smut, anything that’s really too sappy, Tony Stark, Grant Ward, extreme kinks, A/B/O, jealousy.

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I love Laura. I don’t love her being written off a la “That bitch divorced me.” So either she’s around and in the picture being treated fairly or she never existed.


Gift Type: Fanfic

- The road to recovery. I don't particularly care from what -- psychological trauma, difficult mission, a psychical injury, whatever -- but I'd love something that focuses on the actual process of ~dealing with stuff.
- Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you but trusting them not to. (unknown)
- I am helpless as the sea at the end of her string.
I am restless. Restless and useless. I, too, create corpses. (Three Women, by Sylvia Plath)
- Any sort of life of crime/police force/detective/noir AU -- can be anything from dark and tragic to light and funny or even, idk, set in space. Whichever floats your boat. ;)
- That’s how it is when a person develops an attraction toward someone. He’s nowhere, then suddenly he’s everywhere, whether you want him to be or not. (Ugly Love, by Colleen Hoover)
- Any sort of... how do I umbrella this? Mundane modern day setting AU. They meet in the library, our out clubbing, or wherever they work. Their best friends are dating and they're reluctantly dragged along to every date and that's how they meet. They're neighbors, and maybe he is the one who always forgets one of his socks or the boxers with some truly ugly print in the dryer the whole building shares, or plays his music too loud, or she's got some weird visitors and he snoops around. They meet at the kiosk around the corner every lunch break, never talk until X happens. They have a one night stand and the next morning they find out that she's his new boss. That kinda thing. Can be rom-com, can be melancholic, totally your choice.

Yes please: My main vice is hurt/comfort, but that's not a requirement, just a preference. I'm more on the angsty side of the scale, I like character-driven fic, back story, slow burn, and stuff that just generally focuses on the connections between the characters. Casual intimacy is a big one, I loooove that stuff. I like apocafic and mission fic. If you do smut, things I'm particularly into in fic are fingering (either party), oral sex, rough and spur-of-the-moment sex and pain play. Also, I prefer experimental kink and exploration of kinky leanings over full-blown, developed kink, and either way, I'd rather it be femdom.

No thank you: No Rule 63, no crossovers/fusions, no fluff, no mention of marriage or proposals unless it's canon, no kidfic or domesticity. As for kinks, no watersports or scat, no rimming, no A/B/O and related kinks, no mpreg. I'm okay with AUs, both canon and setting, but please no High School or College AU and nothing in a historical setting too far back. No non-con involving female characters or any sort of character bashing. Also, as for additional characters, I'm a bit overfed on Coulson and I really don't like Loki as a character (possession aftereffects are more than fine, though). And while I'm reading a bunch of the comics, I don't really ship them in the comics and I'd rather not have MCU and comics mixed in fic. Like, some background is okay (orphan, deaf, circus, that stuff), but no Clint living in that appartment building in Bed Stuy, no having a dog named Lucky or cat named Liho, no backstory with Bucky for Natasha, no Kate, no Barney, no Bobbi or Jess as exes, and so on. Crossovers with Agents of SHIELD are totally fine though. Not a fan of first person POV, but I love well-done second person.

Post Age of Ultron Preference: Either 'canon denial' or 'no canon at all, I’m just here for complete AUs'; both goes.


Gift Type: either!

1. fairy tale fusion/AU (make one up! adapt one! whatever, I just love this sort of setting, and feel free to turn as many tropes on their heads as you like *g*)
2. Christmas on the farm
3. how superspies/superheroes do domestic (I have a huge fondness for curtainfic, especially when it involves characters who are distinctly un-domestic in canon being domestic)
4. heist fic (incorporate it into a mission, make it an AU, make it into a Leverage crossover…)
5. Peggy Carter sees something in Clint that no one in his life ever has. She gives him an opportunity. Years later when Clint sees his target, Natalia Romanova, the Black Widow, he thinks he might understand how Peggy felt.

Yes please: Team fic! I love team fic, so please include any characters you like, including ones from Agents of SHIELD or the comics. I love gen and friendship fic, so if you’re not feeling the romantic vibes don’t feel obligated to go there. I also fully support threesomes. I like banter and humor, and angst is welcome, too. Love AUs, crossovers, fusions, and various tropes like curtainfic, fake dating/marriage, found families, friends to lovers, seemingly unrequited pining.

No thank you: mpreg, non-con, love spells/potions, A/B/O, incest, character bashing, character death for the explicit purpose of freeing up a character romantically, infidelity (but open sort of relationships are fine so long as all parties are agreed), PWP (smut is fine but I'm not generally that interested in thousands of words of characters having sex with nothing else going on)

Post Age of Ultron Preference: I really don’t mind - writer’s choice! I’m honestly happy with whatever makes you comfortable; I did enjoy Bruce/Natasha a lot as well as Clint/Laura, so if either of those are things you like, go for it, but obviously I’ll never say no to Clint/Nat! I’m also good with threesomes, as I mentioned. Keep canon, ignore canon, whatever floats your boat. :)


Gift Type: Fic, preferably

1) Tell me about their safe houses, bolt-holes, private off-the-grid sanctuaries, what have you, that they both still keep around the world. Where are they, exactly? How long have they known each other before they mention each place or take the other person there? What do they keep there/what's in all the different locations? What makes one of them finally crack and head to one of their safe houses instead of a SHIELD safe house?
2) "You can be more."--Even if you're not a Farscape person and don't see echos of John and Aeryn in Clint and Natasha, you can still knock yourself out with the quote however you're reading it. I just like the idea that the two of them push each other to be better and try new things so their partnership is as strong as possible.
3) Clint and Natasha as Killjoys, or, conversely, Dutch and Johnny as the new half of Strike Team Delta. For crying out loud, her name used to be Yelena. I'm not even gonna start with how she was trained to kill as a kid and John's father was an ass and he's been estranged from his brother. Besides, if you didn't watch Killjoys when it aired, I'm giving you a chance to watch it now, thank me later. ;)
4) Training fic--they get new tech and they have to work out the kinks before their next mission...which either happens or doesn't, depending on, you know, you.
5) And yeah, I'm always down for 'trapped in because of the weather and now we must share body heat/just have sex to stave off the boredom.' In case you wondered.

Yes please: Banter, competency, Nat POV, I prefer Natasha backstory to Clint backstory, I prefer them together or getting that way to them as friends, mission fic, domestic fluff, and smut are all a go, and I know the movies and Agents of Shield (which, feel free to incorporate if you're so inclined 'cause I really do love the characters on the show...okay, mostly May and Bobbi and Skye, but I was trying not to be overly specific for once) better than the comics. Actually, I'm pretty sketch on the comics. I've only read the first volumes of Black Widow and Hawkeye, nothing of Avengers.

No thank you: No rape or non-con, and if you could pass on the pregnancy and kid-fic, that'd be appreciated. If you could keep everyone alive, I'd enjoy things a hell of a lot more, and please pass on betrayal, while threesomes are all good, I'm kinda over Bucky and Phil with the two of them. Please no character death for the holidays.

Post Age of Ultron Preference: oooh, tricky one. I'll happily read fic that carries on as if AoU never even happened, or as if it happened minus other people living on Barton's farm. But I've also recently been warming up to Clint/Laura/Natasha, so that could be really cool to read, too. I guess in my head, though, I've always preferred Clint and Natasha together with each other, and other people could come and go as long as they were still at the heart of it.


Gift Type: EITHER

Prompts: -Anything examining the dynamic of Laura/Clint/Natasha, including how it evolves with the advent of children
-When she first comes to SHIELD, Natasha needs to be given orders. When she doesn't have them, she tends to panic. Which is how Clint wound up with a damaged, frightened assassin kneeling at his feet.
-Clint will sacrifice every part of himself for the mission. This scares Natasha more than she can admit.
-AU: A world where your soulmate's name is written on your body the day you're born. Natasha has always felt incomplete, because the name she should have was removed by the Red Room. (She might be Clint's soulmate, but is he hers?)
-AOU fallout: The first time Nat Romanoff meets Nat Barton.

Yes please: Humor, friendship, darkness, sex,unexpected kindnesses, early relationship, outsider perspectives

No thank you: Loki, AOS xovers, pregnancy POV, bloodplay, bodily fluids in general

Post Age of Ultron Preference: based in canon / canon murky, no canon


Gift Type: Fic

1) Natasha's been leaving little notes and SOS's in whatever form she can at her jobs for the Red Room. Clint's on her trail and starts finding them and starts realizing that nothing he was told about her is at all what it seems.
2) Natasha's not really sure she wants to just completely stop writing Captain America fanfic now that the guy's come back to life. Clint is an annoying enabler that enables.
3) Clint has an exhibition kink. He and significant other (Natasha, Laura, Bobbi, I'm open) are careful when picking a third to watch.
4) Natasha celebrates Women's Day not Valentine's Day. She expects flowers.
5) X-Men AU where Clint is Thieves Guild and Natasha is Assassins Guild, doesn't have to be in New Orleans though
6) Space AU where Clint salvages a ship called the Black Widow that went down in battle. It turns out to have a working AI, which is still highly pissed off.

Yes please: deaf or Deaf Clint, friendship with marriage to Laura or Bobbi or else actual romance please, OT3 with Laura or Bobbi, porn with plot, phone sex, competence, languages, foreign cities, established relationships, soulmates AU, Red Room backstory complete with mental conditioning, dealing with that/reconditioning, amnesia fic, etc.

No thank you: adultery, betrayal, deathfic, a/b/o, mundane AU, embarrassment, body-related humor, oral sex, dirty talk with endearments like babe or lots of references to bodily fluids, etc., Bruce/Natasha

Post Age of Ultron Preference: any


secret santa 2015

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