Title: Wheel of Fortune (Chapter 1 and 2)
Author: shenshen77
A Gift For:
crazy4orcasRating: PG
Warnings: None so far, will add as I progress.
Prompt used: Treasure Hunters AU
Summary: A pyramid in the middle of Croatia in 1943? You have got to be kidding. Add a mythical cannon wheel that will grant its owner success in all combat situations, Nazis, Soviets and a beautiful redhead hot on its heels - Not a good day for Clint "Hawkeye" Barton, adjunct professor of archaeology at Washington University in St. Louis.
Author Notes: My dear
crazy4orcas asked for a Treasure Hunters AU and my mind immediately leapt to Indiana Jones. Add to that a rumor I heard about pyramids in what is now Bosnia and my imagination went on the run. Unfortunately it ran further than my time allowed, so only the first two chapters of the fic are done so far. But I'll add more asap, promise!
Many thanks to
hufflepuffsneak for brainstorming and beta,
frea_o for more brainstorming and
the_nita for a final readthrough. All credits for the title go to
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