AU Exchange: Requests

Jun 11, 2015 22:02

Okay folks, here's how this works: below is an anonymised list of what people have said they would like to receive as a gift in the exchange. People taking part reply to this post with a comment - which will be screened - saying what their FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD choices would be for which request they'd like to write for. We will then use these choices to help match people up.

For example:
FIRST: twenty-four
SECOND: three
THIRD: sixteen

A few things:
- you're not guaranteed your choices, but we will be using these to match you up as best we can and keeping to your choices as much as possible
- you have until Wednesday June 7th to comment with your choices or we'll match you up without one. Of course if everyone comments with their choices before Wednesday we will try to get you matched up sooner!
- your match will be sent to you by the end of next week by email, so please check your emails including your spam folder for anything that comes from and let us know if you don't receive anything by the Monday
- once match ups have been sent out we'll do a post for chosing what date you want to post your gift. Other than this we're not setting a deadline as such, so please be kind and let us know at least a week before your gift is due if you're having any problems so we can sort out pinch hits

And onwards to the main event...

Preference for gift: All
I would like to receive: time travel AU, team!fic focusing on Clint & Natasha
Possible prompts: 1. when Clint Barton stepped out of the time portal and into the saloon, the last thing he expected to see was Natasha Romanoff, dealing the cards.
2. Dinosaurs. Why did it have to be dinosaurs?
3. Yes, Natasha, there is a Yeti.
I don't want to receive: threesomes, death!fic, graphic violence, babyfic

Preference for gift: complete AU
I would like to receive: Any mix of friendship, romance, team/wider character array, drama, happiness, even the slightest sliver of hope at the end of the tunnel
Possible prompts:
1. And some nights, in the long silence of space, he sits in the pilot’s chair and strums the ancient guitar. She leans up against the bulkhead and listens with a soft expression on her face as the chords flow through the metal hallways and drift into echoes. [Scifi (Firefly?) AU]
2. "You have lost something worth keeping," the fortune-teller says, and you do not need to tell her she is right. But what is lost, can be found again. [Circus and/or supernatural AU]
3. “You’re going to kill yourself.”
She laughs, chin tipped back and red hair falling around her shoulders, and there is a winter of her own in the eyes that smile at him.
“I’m already dead.” [Supernatural (genre) AU]
I don't want to receive: Character death, unresolved angst, smut

Preference for gift: Complete AU
I would like to receive: Fusions (eg. daemon!verse), female friendship, historical AU, smut (but not Porn Without Plot- I prefer my Porn with Plot), LADIES (especially Maria and Melinda).
Possible prompts: Natasha is the single mother of a deaf daughter and Clint is her daughter's teacher/coach/tutor etc, WWII AU, 1920s-30s gangster!AU, steampunk, ballet!AU.
I don't want to receive: anything I don't want to write (Laura death, infidelity, mission fic, kids, A/B/O, rape/sexual assault, Bruce/Nat, Coulson, Loki), torture, minimal Bucky.

Preference for gift: complete AU
I would like to receive: I love, love, love modern day no powers AUs, like Coffee shop/Bookstore/College normal people types of AUs.
Possible prompts:
1. "Oh hey I guess we're roommates!"
2. Random I know but like some kind of Wedding AU where maybe Natasha somehow got roped into being a bridesmaid for a wedding and Clint works at the bridal shop or as a make-up artist or something. They talk they flirt they fall in love. Or they're just snarky as hell and become Bffs.
3. Pretty Much anything from this tumblr post
I don't want to receive: I'm pretty much up for anything, so the usual: no angst, no noncon/dubcon , no character deaths

Preference for gift: Complete AU (but the other options are fine)
I would like to receive: I love fusions, where canon is translated into a different historical era or genre
Possible prompts: steampunk, medieval, Regency/Napoleonic era, space opera
I don't want to receive: anything dark (sorry, my brain is craving fun and light!)

Preference for gift: choose from one thing AU/AOU divergent/complete AU/All of these
I would like to receive: any and all things (unapologetic fan of romance and fluff with a healthy appreciation of mission and team elements; a recent convert to the world of AU fics)
Possible prompts: I like Laura and the kids, but I am, above all else, a hardcore romantic Clint/Natasha shipper.
Here are a couple of "twists" on the Clint/Nat/Laura dynamic:
1. What if Clint and Natasha were the Avengers/SHIELD agents we know and love and in a committed relationship (though still left those around them guessing) and it was Laura who got on SHIELD's radar for being a high-level hacker (maybe from the Red Room?). Team or mission fic where they're sent to take her out, but make a different call, especially when they find out she has three adorable kids.
2. Adding a touch of magic or fantasy... what if a spell was cast (from Asgard?) on the farm while everyone was there that caused a romantic flip/flop: the romantic relationships developed between Clint and Nat and Laura ended up with feelings for Bruce and those were enthusiastically reciprocated. When the spell was lifted, it turns out the feelings don't change (OMG, that sounds so cheesy, and yet I'm still putting it out there...)
3. When Thor returns to Asgard, he finds out from Heimdall that he was sent to an alternative universe and that's where he'd been living all this time (at the end of Dark World, through Cap 2, and AoU). This was at the instruction of "Odin." When confronted about it, it becomes clear who he's really dealing with. Thor is shown the destruction that befell his version of Midgard without his return. Because of the deception, it's determined by "the Powers that Be" that Thor can go back to his original universe and attempt to save the day. His memory will be wiped, though vague impressions remain. This gives the opportunity to re-write the movie any way you want to.
Total AU: something I think about when I hear George Ezra's "Budapest": Taking care of the family business in Budapest, Clint is a wealthy heir (art fortune? tech company?) from a good family (though he has a sketchy brother), Natasha is a thief-for-hire recruited to steal Clint's portion of the fortune (turns out to be hired by the sketchy brother). She gets in too deep and falls for her mark. When her plan is uncovered, does Clint want nothing else to do with her? Does he leave it all behind to be with her? What happens to the sketchy brother?
I don't want to receive: Anything with an unhappy ending ;)

Preference for gift: choose from one thing AU/AOU divergent/complete AU/All of these
I would like to receive:
Possible prompts: Clint and Natasha married as being Avengers, Clint and Natasha as college parent of a teenager, where Natasha is like Jem from Jemma and the Holograms, Natasha is Hawkeye and Clint is like the Black Widow, Natasha is Rapunzel and Clint is Prince Charming ad has to rescue her from the evil witch holding her,Natasha is Sailor Moon and Clint is Tuxedo Mask, Natasha is the captain of a starship and Clint is the doctor on the starship, Clint is speed Racer and Natasha is Racer X
I don't want to receive: Character(s) death, incest, tentacle, a/b/o, f/f, m/m,f/m/f, m/f/m torture,

Preference for gift: Any.
I would like to receive: dystopia, magical realism, friends, women being awesome, SO MUCH UST, Kate/America as a side paring
Possible prompts: Mad Max AU!! (Clint as Max, Natasha as Furiosa), Laura is Barney's widow and everything that would change, bleak post apocalypse.
I don't want to receive: kid fic, AoS tie-ins, Coulson, Loki, noncon.

Preference for gift: choose from one thing AU/AOU divergent/complete AU/All of these, but doesn't have to be AOU divergent
I would like to receive: Well-written fic with a good dose of h/c, doesn't have to be fluffy. Clint and Nat as either best friends with Laura and the kids existing, or the three of them as OT3. Otherwise Clint and Nat as lovers if you choose to ignore AoU. Just please don't kill anyone to make Clint/Natasha endgame.
Possible prompts: No powers AU where one of them is a dog trainer and the other needs a service dog for some reason. Casablanca!AU. Bodyguard!AU (maybe with Nat as the bodyguard?). Wedding Planner!AU (where Nat is a very successful wedding planner who knows exactly what her clients need. Yet she can't see that there might be something special waiting for her with her photographer, Clint).
I don't want to receive: death!fic, A/B/O anything, Clint/Coulson, rape!fic

Preference for gift: complete AU
I would like to receive: light-hearted, action/adventure, mature rating is okay,
Possible prompts: treasure hunters AU (think SCUBA diving and ship wrecks), cross-country rally sport racing AU (they're competing drivers who have to team up to win/finish the race, Top Gun AU (Natasha's the hot shot pilot, Clint's her new RIO), gymnastics AU
I don't want to receive: unresolved angst, death-fic, gender-swap

Preference for gift: All - i'm happy with denial of the farm or OT3 or complete AU or anything, writers choice :)
I would like to receive: banter or fun dialogue, trust, plenty of ladies/ladies being wonderful, family or team-as-family dynamics, competence
Possible prompts:
1. a 'one thing' what if role change AU eg. Natasha was from the circus/an Olympian and Clint was from the Red Room, or Clint went undercover at Stark Industries in Iron Man 2 and Natasha went to Mexico, or Natasha is the one who has kids elsewhere, or...
2. dystopian or apocalyptic AU
3. magical or supernatural AU - extra love for these if there's some kind of grey area or fine line walked between morality and the dark
4. AOU divergent-ish: Natasha attempts to pick up the hammer, either at the after-party or later in the film or after the events of the film. Up to you whether she can lift it, make it move at all, or can't.
5. writer's retreat AU - in order to be more productive (or for some of them because their publishers or friends have made them) our characters go on a writer's retreat, a place away from the world where they're meant to work on their books, from murder mysteries to YA novels, non-fiction to bodice ripers...only they get up to more than just writing.
I don't want to receive: Laura dying to make way for Clint/Natasha, dark edges and fic that bites is nice but no complete woe and despair please

Preference for gift: All of these
I would like to receive: C/L/N (bonus points for inclusion of or focus on L/N) or C/N or C/L/N fantasy or fusion AUs
Possible prompts:(In no particular order):
Daemon AUs (I particularly like fics that play with the idea of soulmate/bonds in re: daemon behaviour and daemon human interaction, if that makes any sense)
AoU scene "rewrite" presupposing that C/L/N is an established thing, and sans any Bruce/Natasha undercurrents besides friendship
AoU scene "rewrite"/change-one-thing where the Red Room *didn't* sterilize it's agents, and one of the children is biologically Natasha's (complete with team reactions to both that fact and the overall poly/family dynamic)
Reincarnation/Soulmate AU
Soulbond AU
I don't want to receive: AoU compliant anything in re: Bruce and Natasha or That Conversation or Pietro's death), normal world AUs (coffee shop, high school, dance or hospital or teacher or cop etc), dark dark angst or graphic violence, character death, or heartbreak/break-up/distrust/suspicion

Preference for gift: complete AU
I would like to receive: I love relationships of all kinds, so ship fic or friendship fic would make me equally happy! I really, really love team fic, so please feel free to include any other characters you like (if you are comfortable with it, I am totally cool with Bruce/Nat and/or Clint/Laura, or any pairing/threesome, really). I enjoy clever AUs where the characters still remain recognizable in different circumstances, so anything you could think of, even if you think it's completely crazy, would probably make my day. :)
Possible prompts: Clint and Natasha as dragon riders (if you are familiar with Temeraire, something like that would be awesome); band AU (Clint and Nat as bandmates secretly pining after each other? *g*); Star Trek fusion with Clint and Natasha in Starfleet; historical setting like Victorian England or Age of Sail or IDK, Revolutionary America or anything like that; fairy tale fusion
I don't want to receive: mpreg, noncon, infidelity, incest, omegaverse, babies, love spells/potions, always a girl, humiliation

au exchange 2015

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