ATTF: Looking Forward to the Future!

Mar 06, 2015 19:17

Dearest and Best of Bars:

You will probably have seen dire predictions of gloom and doomfor Age of Ultron, and painstaking exegesis of every frame that leads to highly speculative conclusions that make you want to crawl into a cave for the next six months

But note:  If you're all negative and paranoid about what's to come, this post is not for you. Because this post is for people who are ***excited*** about what's in store for us come May (or late April, if you're lucky enough to live in Europe or Oz) and who are ***positive*** that they'll have a good time with that movie!!!  People who can't wait to see more of our favourites. I mean, there's lots to be excited about:

- More Clint (plus, he talks!)
- Natasha back story!
- Natasha being awesome and picking up after the boys!
- New gear!
- That farm??
- Tower togetherness!!

The list goes on.

So tell us: What are you looking forward to? rebelliousrose-- this one's for you and your earlier query -- what do you think of the trailers? Have you already written or read some anticipatory soon-to-be-Jossed AoU fic? Found any particularly cook gifs made from those trailers? Pre-booked your tickets? Let's do some major squeeing together!!!

Please put spoilers under a cut for those who just want to squee, but not to be spoiled!!

Things to remember:
1) Always label NSFW (Not Safe For Work) stuff in the title and post under a cut.
2) Fic and artwork needs to have a rating and warnings (or you can say that you've chosen not to use warnings).
3) For people with annoying internet connections, say in the title if a comment is graphic/images/gif-heavy and post picspams under a cut.
4) Have a damn good time! (Because if that's not happening then this post has clearly failed.)

discussion, beware the squee, speculation, delightful silliness, polite anarchy needs a tag, avengers 2 / age of ultron, this is the very best bar, friday is a day for all the things, all the things friday

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