Hello bar! A reminder that posting for our first Clint/Natasha Remix Exchange commences on the 22nd of June. You can check your posting date the
Posting Date Sign Ups. I'm excited to read all the fics!
When posting your fic, please fill out the following:
Remix Recipient:
Warnings (or 'I choose not to warn'):
Author's Note:
Fic I've Chosen To Remix (please include link):
The author's note is optional, but as this is a remix exchange, it would be a good opportunity to talk about why you chose this particular fic to remix, and perhaps what angle you decided to go with.
Once you've posted your fic (or made a post with a link to your fic, if you choose to upload it elsewhere), please comment on this post with a link so we can add your fic to the Master List.
Have fun posting and reading your fics!
Master List
franztastisch wrote
Firebird (rated Mature) for
enigma731alphaflyer wrote
Shards (rated T) for
i_llbedammnedtelaryn wrote
Other Side of the Mirror (rated PG-13) and
The Past That Never Leaves You (rated R) for
allisnowi_llbedammned wrote
Love (rated T) for
findthesea_samalander wrote
featherstep (rated Mature) for
franztastischhufflepuffsneak wrote
Coffee and Commitment Issues (Not Rated) for
sugar_feyenigma731 wrote
The Deserter's Song (rated Mature) for
theladymoreshenshen77 wrote
Returning Kindness (rated T) for
alwayslerainkvoices wrote
now that I have your attention (rated T) for
hufflepuffsneakscribble_myname wrote
Learning Natasha (Again) (rated G) and
Dreaming of Budapest (rated G) for
sienamysticallisnow wrote
safety pin me to your chest so can stay put (rated Mature) for
telarynsienamystic wrote
Thaw (rated G) for
alphaflyersugar_fey wrote
Almost Home (rated T) for
inkvoicesfindthesea wrote
wound you up like i tied a bow (rated Explicit) for
_samalanderfranztastisch wrote
This Bitter Earth (rated T) for
inkvoicestheladymore wrote
Marriage is For Children (rated T) for
scribble_mynamewizbey wrote
Through the eyes of a sniper on vacation (rated PG13) for