The 2014 Clint/Natasha Remix Exchange

Apr 07, 2014 06:55

Greetings, patrons of the best bar in town!

Your faithful mod team is very excited to announce the first Clint/Natasha Remix Exchange!

What is a Remix?

A remix is, essentially, fanfiction of fanfiction. You create a fanfic using someone else’s fanfic as a starting point. Examples of remixes include writing the story from another character’s perspective, an interlude between scenes, taking the fic in another direction after a certain point (what if this character did X instead of Y?), etc.

How This Works:

When signing up, list up to five fics of yours that you’re happy to have others remix. You’re also allowed to list one ‘wild card,’ ie an MCU fic that is not Clint/Natasha-centric, if you so choose. Then list things you want to write, things you don’t want to write, any triggers, and so on.

When sign-ups close, we will be match people accordingly and assignments will be sent out, like we did for Secret Santa. However, this is not an anonymous gift exchange, so feel free to discuss your assignments if you like.

Fics should be a minimum 1000 words.

If you have enough time left before the due date and there’s a fic by another author that you really want to remix as well as your assignment, feel free to ask us! More fic is fun for everyone.


Sign-ups are open from now until April 19. We will aim to have assignments sent out by April 26.

Fics are due mid-June, more info on that below.


Fics will be due in mid-June. Since this isn’t an anonymous exchange, at the beginning of June we’ll be posting a sign-up sheet for posting dates. Choose your date and post your fic to the community on that date.

Sign Ups:

Please fill out the following in a comment to this post:

Fics I’m offering for remix (please include links):
Wild Card: (optional)
I Want to Write:
I Don’t Want to Write:
I Don’t Want to Receive: (this is for triggers and the like, so no one is in a situation where they can’t read a remix of their fic because the remix includes something triggery for them)

Have fun!


remix exchange 2014, this is the very best bar, beware the squee, really important stuff

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