A Gift From:
spyforadayType Of Gift: Gift Basket (Fanmix)
Title: A Compromised Position: a Clintasha Fanmix
A Gift For:
chrisfaithalinRating: PG for language
Warnings: Some songs contain lyrics that may be considered explicit depending on your sensitivity
Summary/Prompt Used: From unstoppable tactical partnership to irrepressible committed relationship
Author's Note: Listen as Strike Team Delta evolves from the most successful partnership in the field into the intense, personal partnership they’ve denied themselves for years. Call it Clintasha, call it BlackHawk, call it cheesy, but these rock tunes tell a story of insecurity, of compromise, of understanding, of lust, of love, and a devotion that defies explanation and transcends gods, monsters, and super secret government organizations. (10 tracks)
Disclaimer: For the record this is all for fun, not for my profit, I paid for each and every one of those tunes, nothing was pirated, and I love that I'm introducing this music to a new audience.
We begin with a glimpse inside the heads of each member of Strike Team Delta. Clint questions his very being: Is there any good left in me?
“MZ HYDE” by Halestorm
Moving on to Natasha, we catch a taste of her many sides: I can play the bitch, I can play the whore, or your fairy-tale princess; who could ask for more.
“NOT GONNA DIE” by Skillet
Their partnership is fraught with danger and no guarantee of tomorrow. They only have each other to trust and to pull each other through: No, not gonna die tonight.
“BULLET IN MY HAND” by Redlight King
A mission survived still leaves scars. Hands that kill are also the hands that heal: I came out of the darkness with a bullet in my hand; got one more shot at living, I'm lucky that I can.
With their kill-or-be-killed lifestyle, there's no pension or retirement plan. They are in it together until the end: 'Til the casket drops, 'til my dying day.
“THE HIGH ROAD” by Three Days Grace
They are liars and killers who serve liars and killers. But together, they can find salvation and maybe happiness -- if they let each other in: I'll do whatever it takes to be the mistake you can't live without.
“DISAPPEAR” by Hoobastank
As they allow thoughts of the possibility of a relationship, it becomes harder to ignore the pull toward one another: Do you know that every time you're near, everybody else seems far away.
“MADNESS” by Muse
In a crowded nightclub, in the middle of a mission, it happened. As Natasha worked the dance floor for intel, Clint couldn't keep his distance. He made his way to her and they moved along in time to this tune. The deal was sealed: I have finally seen the light, our love is madness.
“I’LL FOLLOW YOU” by Shinedown
Their feelings no longer a detriment to their partnership, a new level of trust has developed: The first step is the one you believe in, the second one might be profound.
“MY DEMONS” by Starset
Missions are no less deadly, but they have each other, in every way possible: Save me if I become my demons.
(link to Part Two)