A Gift From:
jacedesbffType Of Gift: Fic
Title: 5 Times Someone Tried to Interfere in Clint & Natasha’s Relationship and the 1 Time It Worked
A Gift For:
alphaflyerRating: PG
Warnings: the overall tone is light, but Alzheimer’s is addressed in a serious manner
Summary/Prompt Used: The summary is covered fairly well in the title. :-) I tried to touch on as many of
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As a note, I really did give my class an assignment, which is how they learned about it. I teach Drama, and I had them write fic for their characters. It was actually both incredibly entertaining and a great acting exercise. :-) I definitely created some monsters, though! (Oh, and me in a classroom trying to warn high schoolers about what they might find as they go out and start reading fanfiction? THAT was also fairly entertaining!)
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