ATTF signup post!

Feb 19, 2013 20:50

Greetings oh Bar of Bars!

It's that time again. Bring us your picspams and meta and recs, bring us your squee and thinky thoughts and impromptu dance parties.... and come and sign up to host an All the Things Friday!

You can host as a team, you can host by yourself, you can have your topic figured out in advance or come up with it later-- it's all good. And for those in different timezones please don't be deterred, ATTF can happen at any time on Friday (and let's face it, it's a party that lasts well into the weekend.)

I think I promised this Friday to anuna_81 for a celebration of crackfic and such but if I have already given this date away to someone else, please remind me because I am old and sad and forget to write things down.) And if you've already volunteered to host for another upcoming Friday, please remind me and we'll put it on the list!

Here are the upcoming dates:

Feb. 22 -- anuna_81 & crackfic (unless I promised it to someone else???)
March 1 -- jacedesbff & marriage and/or commitment
March 8 -- shenshen77 & hurt/comfort
March 15 -- anuna_81 & influential headcanons
March 22-- lar_laughs & magic
March 29 --
April 5 --
April 12 --
April 19 --
April 26 --

Hope everyone's week is going swimmingly. Happy Tuesday, y'all. <3

what's gonna work? teamwork, friday is a day for all the things, all the things friday

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