First Creative Works In This Corner Of Fandom

Jan 30, 2013 19:08

Hi all, sorry I took a while getting around to posting this :( Here it is though, the result of the last chatter thread and an ATTF: A First Creative Works List

What this isn’t is a rec list or a self-promotion thing or anything like that. What it is is a list of the first thing people from this comm have made in the Master Assassins corner of the Avengers fandom. Basically, if you made a creative work that fits the rules of posting at this comm and it was your first we want to hear about it! Because we love new people :D This is a hi, hello, here I am, and here we are.

Here’s how it works: let us know what your first work is/was in this corner of fandom, in a comment to this post (or PM if you're shy), and it’ll get added to the top of the list. (As it’s been kicked off by the ATTF post, the works so far are from there in reverse chronological order of replies.) And welcome to the bar!

Red by foolondahill17 (PG13, ossibly borderline R for mild language, dark, mature themes, and strong, graphic violence including violence against children)
Summary: Dreykov's daughter, Sao Paulo, and the hospital fire. In which Natasha wonders if she will ever be able to wash that much red from her ledger, or the blood from between the lines in the palms of her hands.

Interupted by dragonacesg7 (PG13, talk of consensual sex/sexual acts, mentions of masturbation, implied past sexual conduct)
Summary: Clint is stuck watching a hammer. Natasha is stuck baby-siting Tony Stark. Clint is really bored and begs for a favor over the phone.

In the Dark, The Dawn by alwayslera (R, explicit torture, sex, and possible sexual assault)
Summary: In the aftermath of New York, Clint tries to put himself (and his relationship with Natasha) back together. They aren't given much time before someone moves to capitalize on the Avengers, Natasha, and Natasha's relationship with the archer with heart.

Revelator by roboticonograph (PG13, angst, recovery, emotional hurt/comfort)
Summary: Natasha understands what it means to be unmade. Post-movie.

Recompense by laughtersmelody (PG13, no warnings)
Summary: The night before Thor returned to Asgard with Loki, Hawkeye paid Loki a visit. Missing scene.

I Don't Sleep (I Dream) by safaiagem (Mature for violence, torture, and language)
Summary: Inception AU. When Thor Odinson hires extractor Steve Rogers to perform an extraction and an inception on his brother Loki he knows he is going to need the best in the business. His team, however, is scattered after an accident left them minus a member. While the rest of his team prepares for the jobs of their lives Steve is haunted by the shade of Bucky Barnes. Will the best team in the business be able to perform two jobs on a single target or will Bucky follow through with his promise to ruin their reputations and their lives? And what of Thor's strange brother, Loki and what lies in his twisted subconscious?

Hope is for Children by lizardbeth_j (PG, no warnings)
Summary: Natasha waits for him to wake.

there's people and they're young and alive by amanuensis1 (Teen and Up, no warnings)
Summary: "Tagging your target in the reptile house in Madrid," Clint says, "does not count as 'a trip to the zoo.'"

Assumptions by jacedesbff (Rated T on, no warnings)
Summary: Clint and Natasha were married before the events of the movie. The first chapter involves Steve and Wikipedia, which is always fun. After that, little by little and in a variety of ways, the rest team learns more about their resident assassins as well.

objects in mirror (are closer than they appear) by helikedmyshoes (Explicit, sexual content, oral sex)
Summary: “I thought you said you weren't her boyfriend.” “Twelve-year-olds have boyfriends. I'm her man.”

Cleanliness Is Next To... by ittykat (PG13, chosen not to warn)
Summary: Or Five Memorable Showers Clint Barton and Natasha Have Had, and One Time There Was a Bath Instead.

Thaw by aerrin (PG13, underage sex and dubious consent)
Summary: What Natasha means when she says that love is for children and that she owes Clint a debt.

Don’t Have Wings But Want To Fly by dictator_duck (G, no warnings)
Summary: There are things Clint likes about being human. There are things he misses, too.

In The Quiet by lar_laughs (Teen and Up, chosen not to warn)
Summary: The battle is over and now the repair must begin. Clint shows up and offers a chance for recovery amidst the shadows.

Equilibrium by workerbee73 (PG13-ish, abstract references to sex and violence)
Summary: This is a little mixture of meta and fic, all from Natsha's POV.

Love You Like a Love Song by alwayslera (Mature, chosen not to warn)
Summary: Natasha and Steve do not understand modern music. The rest of the team is subjected to their inability to tolerate/understand it. Clint understands a song that Natasha does not. Natasha understands a song that Clint does not. The whole team has feels.

you need a rock not a rolling stone by topaz119 (Explicit, chosen not to warn)
Summary: The first time Darcy gets kidnapped by a mad scientist, it is not her fault. (Clint/Darcy but strong Clint & Natasha partnership.)

Subliminal Imagery by frea_o (General Audiences, no warnings)
Summary: She’s not crying. It’s just subliminal imagery, damn it.

Art Nouveau by shenshen77 (Explicit, sexual content)
Summary: A Hydra cell is setting up shop in a quaint German university town. Clint and Natasha get sent in to take care of the problem and just might discover more than Art Nouveau architecture in the process…

Firebird by ashen_key (PG, being drunk)
Summary: Natasha's drunk on vodka that came from a bottle which only has Cyrillic letters, and she's telling Clint about fire.

Bad Sun by chrisfaithalin (T, no warnings)
Summary: Clint and Natasha discuss the possibility of having children after Pepper announces that she is pregnant.

طائر غريب (Strange Bird) by franztastisch (PG13, no warnings)
Summary: Natasha Romanov’s life was saved by a man who had once been a hawk, though she did not know this at the time.

Going To Ground alphaflyer (M, chosen not to warn)
Summary: Levelling out is part of their routine, part of after-action clean-up. They've done it many times before and are damned professional about it. But as she said, this last one was all about magic and monsters, and nothing they had ever trained for ...

Tightly Wound by sugar_fey (Teen verging on M, chosen not to warn)
Summary: It isn't like the thought hasn't entered her mind.

Walking on My Skin Again by _samalander (R, character death as in The Avengers movie)
Summary: Three scenes in the unlikely relationship between Natasha, Clint and Phil.

The Ballad of Natasha & Clint by bob5fic (R, smut and violence)
Summary: Bonnie and Clyde AU; Clint and Natasha are psychopaths in love.

Kobayashi Maru by anuna_81 (Mature, chosen not to warn)
Summary: "This thing we do will never be easy. It will never be safe, you will never have a normal life. But you don't have to walk down the path, you can kind of... cheat your way through it."

And Time Yet by inkvoices (PG13, chosen not to warn)
Summary: from Stark Tower to shawarma.

first fanworks, this is the very best bar, fic

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