Title: America (and Back Again)
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Swearing, minor sexual content, minor violence, minor OC character deaths
Relationship: Clint/ Natasha
Total Word Count: 11,353
Summary: An art theft AU for kadollan as a post-Secret Santa kind of deal.
Thanks to
lar_laughs for betaing this entire thing.
Chapter 1: US - After escaping from the Red Room, Natasha decides that the straight and narrow is for suckers.
Chapter 2: Sydney - Natasha and Clint test the waters of their partnership in the Land Down Under.
Chapter 3: Paris - Clint discovers profiteroles and Natasha runs across an old enemy.
Chapter 4: Then the World - Clint and Natasha take on the world.
Chapter 5: US (again) - The two thieves meet Tony Stark. Surprisingly, he's much weirder than they are.
Epilogue - Natasha gets everything she set out for, plus a little extra.
the complete work.