Found three little news/media bits which I believe are relative to our interests... I looked around and I don't think they've been posted. If I missed it, and they have, and I am double posting apologies, and mods feel free to delete this...
A Totally Objective Guide To The Best Shipped Relationships Of 2012 4) Clintasha, The Avengers
This summer The Avengers spawned a plethora of shipping across the internet (Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, anyone? Iron Man and Captain America, also known on Tumblr as Superhusbands?), but the most popular seams to be Clintasha, a.k.a. the sweet, sweet union of Hawkeye a.k.a. Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) and Black Window a.k.a. Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson). Considering what a nerd boss Avengers director Joss Whedon is, we wouldn’t be surprised if he incorporated some fan shipping into the sequel. Or maybe we just want to believe that to get our own hopes up. Either way…squee!
Slew Of THE AVENGERS Conceptual Character Designs There is a high res version of the pic in the source link. Also some solo Natasha and Clint consept drawings...
Jeremy Renner: Five Gifts For The Avenger's Birthday That said, Hawkeye is still at a bit of a disadvantage when stacked up against his fellow Avengers. After all, a bow and arrow look kind of puny when positioned next to thunder gods and gamma giants. To that end, we thought we'd cook up a few ideas to bolster Hawkeye's arsenal, just in time for Renner's birthday. (...)'>Happy birthday, Hawkeye! Jeremy Renner, who starred in "Marvel's The Avengers" as Earth's mightiest sharpshooter, turns 42 today. As one of the stars of last year's superhero epic, Renner is one of the many Hollywood heroes we're thankful for on a weekly basis.
That said, Hawkeye is still at a bit of a disadvantage when stacked up against his fellow Avengers. After all, a bow and arrow look kind of puny when positioned next to thunder gods and gamma giants. To that end, we thought we'd cook up a few ideas to bolster Hawkeye's arsenal, just in time for Renner's birthday. (...)
A Week Off: Seriously! Time off does a body and mind good, and after the hell Hawkeye went through in "Avengers," he could use a vacation. Send Clint off to some tropical paradise, possibly with Natasha in tow, and he'll come back hitting the bull's-eye every single time.