Title: Random numbers (7/?)
Type: crossover (Castle/Avengers)
Genre: crack-ish drama with elements of fluff and family and romance
Pairings: Castle/Beckett (still at UST stage) and Clint/Natasha.
Characters: everyone from Castle, everyone from Avengers.
Spoilers: the Avengers movie, season 4 of Castle
Summary: so I was answering questions in a meme with ten random characters from stuff that I like and one question was "#2 and #6 have a child together. What's #7s reaction to this fact?" So, there's a kid, his mom is a badass lady cop, his dad is a badass archer, and #7 in the meme was Kevin Ryan.
A/N: a huge thank you to
cybermathwitch who looked over s big part of this and said it was okay. All remaining mistakes are mine. Other than that - phew, finally a new chapter! I'm sorry about the long wait, folks. I hope you're still interested in this. To everyone who wanted Natasha and Kate to meet, this is what you've been waiting for. I hope you like! <3!
Chapter one Chapter two Chapter three Chapter four Chapter five Chapter six Chapter seven